The Italian government remains convinced that there are no legal grounds for ArcelorMittal's withdrawal from Taranto. Therefore the executive continues to focus on an agreement with the company. From this last day, a first sign of interlocution would seem to have arrived: the ad of the Franco-Indian company, Lucia Morselli, during a meeting with the president of Puglia, Michele Emiliano, said she was willing to manage the plant from December until in May, the month in which the judgment is set for the Court of Milan.
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Ex Ilva, the unions' alarm: "Production at historic lows and the company is shutting down the plants"
Morselli would have explained to Emiliano that the company has blocked payments to Apulian suppliers only because it is carrying out internal controls and not to leave Taranto any time soon. The French-Indian giant, Minister Stefano Patuanelli reiterates in a special press conference, must keep his commitments and be called to the table. Also passing through the court, if necessary, where the urgent appeal of the commissioners is expected by tomorrow. While the first hearing for the summons of the company was postponed to May.
The situation in Taranto worsens by the hour: in the city there is the first fifty or so induced workers without pay. And eight factory councils, meeting in Genoa, call for a European strike for the steel crisis.
But in the majority the tension remains very high: the amendments presented by Italia Viva to the fiscal decree to reintroduce the shield are judged inadmissible by the president of the Finance commission, 5S Carla Ruocco.
And in the Movement the tension is cut with the knife, so that the Minister Stefano Patuanelli, after a river meeting with the senators M5S is forced to appear even by the deputies to check at least what he himself defines "a willingness to discuss it" if, in the during the negotiation, the need for the shield should re-emerge.
The four points proposed by the minister obtain the ok after three hours of very tense debate, and five senators remain on the hard line and vote against Patuanelli's mandate to "trace" the line on the former Ilva, untying it from the government's estate, looking at a medium-term plan aimed at decarbonising and also evaluating the hypothesis of a special law for Taranto to accelerate interventions in the territory.
Negotiations with Arcelor, at the moment, are not there: the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, reassures the estate of the rossogialli ("Does the government risk? We are not joking ..") but it refers to next Monday, "for commitments of the various ministers », The Council scheduled for this afternoon, which was intended to line up the proposals for the Taranto Shipyard, that is, the broader interventions for the revival, beyond the events linked to the factory.
And it is not in the air, shortly, a new round with the Mittals, which seemed imminent but has not yet been called. The outcome of the appeal is probably expected. And in the meantime, work is underway, both for the mediation proposal and for the eventuality that the company really leaves Italy. The government aims to reduce the request for redundancies to a minimum, if not to eliminate them. Two thousand could be manageable through the redundancy fund, but the business plan "of ten months not six years ago" should be rewritten that Mittal, Patuanelli emphasizes several times, "did not respect".
In this context, however, in addition to guaranteeing a rescue on the employment front, the executive could put on the plate also an entry of Cassa depositi e prestiti, with 8-10%, to shore up the operation. Still Cdp could be, instead, the pivot around which to recreate a new consortium of private individuals. For the takeover it may be necessary first a new passage of the former Ilva to the commissioner management and a new tender. But we could also invoke the Marzano law which would allow us to skip this step.
Last updated at 12:39
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