
ITS SECOND SEASON IN ROME: "This year we are even more offensive, the coach has tried to change something and to make sure that we have the matches in hand. He always has a great desire to improve. The defeat against Spal was a blow. "We didn't think we could lose and in the first half we were often close to the second goal. Then today there are strong players in all Italian teams, there are no easy games. We did a second bad time and it ended like this. The season has just begun, we must not reflect ourselves and think that we are already third. We must believe in ourselves, we are strong and we can do well this year. Then there are many teams with an important squad and we have to play all the games to win. "
ITS IDOL: "I have always had a player of reference: Kaka. He was not a bomber but he started from behind and made many goals. Surely it is great to play closer to the goal, scoring and making the decisive plays is better for everyone". Correa has grown a lot: "Since I started playing soccer I have always enjoyed having responsibilities within the team. I like to show myself and not be in a bad mood, maybe I did it at the beginning of my career. Now I am more mature in these things. "It's a difficulty and some comrades need me. I like being empowered and doing good for the team. You can become a leader not only in words but also in the field."
ROMAN MOMENTS: "Since I arrived in Rome I was impressed by the treatment of the fans, from the airport. I also feel good energy on the pitch, not only on me but on everyone. This helps the player and the whole team in general. goal in the final against Atalanta and the three goals for Milan are among the best moments since I arrived, they were all important goals, beautiful moments that I will always remember ".
DREAMS OF TUCU: "I have so many dreams, I want to win everything I play for. A world championship, such important competitions. Now the important thing is to get to the Champions League. However, it was great to raise the Italian Cup, in December we can win another trophy. let's think about raising the bar ".
THE IMPROVEMENT COMPARED TO THE PAST: "I do not mind much? It is true but we are not a team that makes a lot of crosses, and I do not look for that but I play more outside the box. In Seville I made them, I miss them here but I hope I will be able to fill this gap. "Samp I changed my mentality, I'm another player. Before I thought about doing the game, now I think about winning. That has become my task on the pitch. I can play both like in Seville, where I started outside, which is more central like now. I feel good, at the beginning of my career I was playing trequartista. So I also like being in the central area of the field ".
THE CURIOSITIES OF THE FANS: "Who am I most tied to in the locker room? A little more for those who speak Spanish for a question of language, but I have never found a locker room so united in terms of human relationships. The national team? I really care about it. Argentina is always a beautiful shirt to wear. Does it resemble that of Lazio? Yes, they are both beautiful. Favorite dish? I like all the Roman cuisine. I love the carbonara, I can't eat it so often so as not to get fat (laughs). If I like video games? Yes, I play at the Playstation, I have my cousin at home and we challenge ourselves to FIFA. I always use Lazio, by force ".
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