On the occasion of the international day against violence against women, which is celebrated on November 25, 2019, the Gapsel Eastern Cisl Gender Policy Coordination promotes a debate on the subject.
The event entitled "Human being must be human – to combat violence we remain human" takes place Friday, November 22nd, starting at 9.15 am, in the Roccavilla Museum Hall of the Liceo Lingusitico Artistico "G. & Q. Sella ”, in via Addis Abeba 20, in Biella.
In addition to the head teacher of the "Giuseppe and Quintino Sella" institute, Gianluca Spagnolo, the territorial and regional secretaries Cisl, Luca Caretti and Bruna Tomasi Cont and the representatives of Police Headquarters, Local Health Authorities, local associations, the District Council and the Equal Opportunities Councilor will be present. .
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