A new front opens in the majority. And it is that of the Mes, the European Stability Mechanism created to give financial assistance to countries in the euro area that are in difficulty and which, according to critics, could push the countries that will use it, including Italy, to restructure debt. The mechanism was modified in June by the Eurogroup, where the ministers of the economy of the Euro countries sit, and the procedure must be closed by December.
To keep the temperature of the controversy high is always the League: "Conte come to Parliament to tell the truth, those changes put the savings of the Italians at risk" attacks Matteo Salvini. But the 5 Star Movement does not square around the premier: "We ask Luigi Di Maio to convene a majority summit, because on the Mes we do not agree", write the deputies of the Finance committee. And it is precisely these words that bring the conflict into the majority.
The fact that the Economy Minister is not enough to calm the waters On 7 November, Roberto Gualtieri sent the president of the Senate Finance Committee, the Alberto Bagnai League, the request to be heard on the subject and that the session will be held on 27 November. Nor is it enough that the Minister for European Affairs Vincenzo Amendola emphasizes, referring precisely to the League, as "those who have doubts now governed during the negotiations".
At the end of the day it is again Palazzo Chigi to intervene. Explaining that, "without a package logic", the government will aim for a postponement of the Mes reform in the December EU council which should take the last step and for which unanimity is needed. But what does Palazzo Chigi refer to when he speaks of «package»?
Two resolutions approved by the Chamber and Senate in June, a majority of men, ask the government to link the destiny of the Mes to two other reforms, that of guaranteeing bank deposits and that of competitiveness. But now can Italy really turn around? If the issue is very technical, the confrontation is all political. Also fueled by yesterday's summit on justice, another slippery issue. It is certified by the fact that the two days of government announced by the same Count has been reduced to a simple dinner, set after tomorrow's council of ministers.
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