government at work to halve it


Maneuver, plastic tax: government at work to halve it

The latest criticism of the maneuver came from Confindustria, who did not appreciate the measures against thetax evasion, because they risk "to provide simple and demagogic answers". The new land opened up just as the government he was trying to put a stop to the controversy over the plastic tax, working on the idea of ​​halving it.

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With the landings of tax decree and of maneuver in the halls of Parliament, theExecutive has begun to fine-tune positions. It will defend the anti rules to the bitter end evasion and will not make concessions to the allies nor on the cut of the tax wedge nor up quota 100. While on the hold for the company cars and on the plastic tax there are all margins of movement.

Even on the strict anti-abuse issue procurement there are openings. THE'Reeds, that is to say the builders, has raised doubts to the tax authorities, asking for the cancellation of an "unfair" provision on withholdings for contracts and subcontracts which, it is estimated, would cost only construction companies 250 million euros a year. "We are ready to dialogue with trade associations and with Parliament to improve the law", replied the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri.

What then is the attitude of the government on the fee for the company cars. Initially it was valid for all, indiscriminately, then it was modulated, leaving it as it was for the green ones. On the plastic, the Executive would be studying the possibility of lowering the tax on packaging from one euro per kilo to a figure ranging between 40 and 60 cents. It could also restrict the range of products on which to apply it or postpone the entry into force of the rule until July, instead of April.

The hypothesis of discussing the content of the plastic tax does not seem to be hindered by the M5S: "There has been an opening and we believe that this orientation is to be maintained", said the undersecretary at Palazzo Chigi, Riccardo Fraccaro. The line of the Count bis is this: the layout of the maneuver does not change, some measures can be discussed, but in the end the accounts must return. Minister Gualtieri looks carefully at the parliamentary passage, trusting that in the Chamber agreements can be found that will improve the most discussed aspects of the provision: "I consider it physiological and positive," he said.

The budget law is worth 30 billion: the only stop to increase the VAT costs 23. And there is a recourse to the deficit for over 16 billion. An installation that leaves the EU Economic Affairs Commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni, cautious: "Italy – he said – still needs budgetary discipline, I'm sorry but it is". From the fight against tax evasion, initially the government thought it could recover 7 billion. Now the estimate, although "prudent" explained Gualtieri, is 3 billion. One of the qualifying points is the push towards digital payments. The government, explained Gualtieri, is working on a memorandum of understanding with the banks "for the reduction of commissions and the total elimination under a certain amount".

The complex of measures, however, does not convince the industrialists. Against evasion we need "various and sophisticated tools", Confindustria wrote in a report to the Finance Committee of the Chamber, otherwise there is the risk "of generating useless solutions". Meanwhile, both Italia Viva and the opposition are demanding that the Ilva theme also enter into operation. Gualtieri has not been unbalanced, ensuring however that "everything possible and necessary will be done to avoid what would be a dramatic negative outcome". A measure in this regard is the refinancing of social safety nets for complex crisis areas, for cases of termination and reorganization announced to the unions.

Last updated: 22:02


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