The Roman actor and director
Giorgio Tirabassi he was struck by illness and was admitted to the hospital in
Avezzano, in
Abruzzo. His conditions, according to local sources quoted by the
Messenger, they are serious. According to the same sources it would be a
heart attack. The actor, 59, was at the Convention Center in
Civitella Alfedena, in the province of L'Aquila, where Tirabassi should have participated in the presentation of his first film as a director,
The big jump: at the time of the illness it was
assistance from a doctor in the room and then transported to the Avezzano hospital by an ambulance from Castel di Sangro.
The big jump, produced by Medusa, was written by Tirabassi himself with the screenplay among others by Mattia Torre, the screenwriter and playwright who died in July, author among other things of Boris is The vertical line.
In the Tirabassi film the protagonists are all his friends, starting from Ricky Memphis (which like him received great notoriety with Police District) Roberta Mattei, Gianfelice Imparato is Paola Tiziana Cruciani, in addition to the cameos of Marco Giallini, Valerio Mastandrea is Pasquale Petrolo (Lillo).
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