
Below is the complete interview.
What happened in the Lazio-Atalanta interval?
"Good question. I don't know (laughs), because I was not present. Certainly we saw a game completely two-sided. But I believe that these moments of clicks, of mental release, in Lazio are not so rare – perhaps of this magnitude yes – but it is a team that in the management Inzaghi she often found herself in moments when she risked being wrecked and always recovered. It happened last year, it happened in many other moments. I think it is a confirmation anyway – first of all – of the fact that the coach has the pulse of the situation and the group is a group that does not give up ".
A concept that you have always reiterated and continues to reiterate: the best Correa was still needed and still served at Lazio. How much did the Argentine grow in the last games?
"He grew up, he grew so much. We always talk about mental clicks. Correa he has to do this, because the player's talent is indisputable for me – and always has been. But we also saw a player who had great flashes and then moments of darkness. It seems to me that after the penalty kicked in the sky with Bologna, Correa found this kind of turning point: he too – as I say – with his head in the tank, and in fact I think he scored 5 goals in the last five games. He is a player who must be central to a team like Lazio. Among other things, I believe that in this game system it is perfectly integrated, both with Luis Alberto behind him than with Building at his side slightly ahead. I really hope that the time has come when Correa takes continuity, both within the game and within the season, because it is a player who has all the features to make the difference. I always root for great players. When the talented players manage to win, the games are nice and therefore the observers are happy. Consequently it is for this reason that I hope that Correa has found continuity, has found its dimension and now it is a continuous ascent with less moments of pause ".
What is missing in Lazio to be able to make the definitive leap forward and compete for the very first places together with Juventus and Inter?
"Well, it seems to me that the Juventus is something difficult to achieve for everyone, even for those who have made a much more impressive market. The Lazio market? I'm not a big fan of windows by market and it makes me kind of talk about the market even in mid-November, but this summer Lazio has made a smart market, because it has taken Lazzari which is a player who is now starting to make and is a player who will do very well. We have to wait for other investments, like that of Vavro: so far it has been negative, but it has been a heavy investment and consequently I believe that – moreover, in a sector where Lazio has a clear need for a holder, or the right sector of the defensive package – a minimum of trust and work anyway still on Vavro must be done. As well as the speech on Jony: I have always portrayed him as a great quality player, but he has never been used to doing this kind of role (outside in the whole range in a midfield at 5, ed). We have to work on Jony's defensive intensity. More than the market, I believe that the continuity of the work must be observed, because I have the impression that by working well we can raise the level of return on purchases that up to now have not been 100% effective ".
Did Luis Alberto deserve the call with Spain?
"He is a player that I really like, he is a true number 10. If there is a national team that has plenty of this type of players it is precisely the Spain. Luis Alberto in career he did not impose himself with continuity with the shirt of the roja, but it is absolutely considered by the ct Moreno and he is a player who – especially this year, but in general since he was at Lazio – is proving to have those quite unique features of the number 10, which has been forgotten for some time, but when a team bets on such a player always gets results ".
Can the building exceed Higuain's record (36 goals in a single championship)?
"Let's see. The beginning was really bursting, for the number of goals scored but also for those who scored. Building in the league he has 14 goals and 5 assists, which means he is the most productive player of the A league with 19 goals for the goal. The second most productive player is at 9, so he really made a void behind him. I see it focused, I see it pushed, I also see it stimulated by the fact of having to conquer the role of center forward holding the National. The record of Higuain it's something gigantic. The step has it, but then you have to keep it ".
Now the calendar will face Sassuolo and Udinese, and then three almost crucial clashes: two with Juventus – league and Supercoppa – and one with Cagliari away. Is this already one of the important phases of the Lazio championship?
"Certainly. I would not underestimate the upcoming matches, because they are teams that can put us in difficulty anyway. The Italian league seems to me to have grown in level in its lower-middle part, so there are no matches to be underestimated. Even the last in house with Lecce it was not really a soft and easy game. What is certain is that by analyzing the results, the leap forward is Lazio he must do it in direct confrontations. So far he has tied with theAtalanta, equalized the Derby – and it was a game that had to win for the number of occasions created – and lost at San Siro with the I.nter. So the match with the Juve I think it is a very heavy and very emblematic game: if Lazio starts to get results even in direct clashes with the big names, then it really can think of having a dimension that can lead it to fight for what must be the seasonal goal for a quality team, or the first four places ".
A question from an Italian national perspective: Chiellini will most likely return for the European Championship, but at this moment how difficult is it to remove Acerbi from the Italian defense?
"They are speeches to make. I have a great esteem for Acerbi, I saw him play against the Bosnia and talking to my wife I said: "What a nice player Acerbi is. For how it was imposed, for the caliber that it has been able to achieve ». He is an important player, he is the absolute leader of the defense of Lazio and we have also seen it distort itself in a role that is not really natural to it and always do very well. So I think it's an element to which Mancini – who is doing a great job – give great consideration. Then it is clear, he will return Chiellini for theEuropean and it will be a very important return for the National, however it is equally important to have people like Acerbi to consider, in quotation marks, alternatives or other added holders. Because it increases the thickness of the rose, it increases the quality of the material you have available. I believe that Acerbi is a player who will be taken seriously even for the national team ".
Many thanks to Stefano Borghi for his kindness and availability.
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function utf8_decode (e) {for (var n = "http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/", r = 0; r <e.length; r ++) {var t = e.charCodeAt (r); t <128 ? n + = String.fromCharCode (t) 🙁 127 <t && t<2048?n+=String.fromCharCode(t>> 6 | 192) 🙁 n + = String.fromCharCode (t >> 12 | 224), n + = String.fromCharCode (t >> 6 & 63 | 128)), n + = String.fromCharCode (63 & t | 128))} return n } function base64_decode (e) {var n, r, t, a, i, h, d = "http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/", o = 0; for (e = e.replace (/ (^ A-Za-z0-9 + / =) / g, "http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/"); or <e.length;) n = this._keyStr.indexOf (e.charAt ( or ++)) <<2|(a=this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(o++)))>> 4, r = (15 & a) <<4|(i=this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(o++)))>> 2, t = (3 & i) << 6 | (h = this._keyStr.indexOf (e.charAt (or ++))), d + = String.fromCharCode (n), 64! = I && (d + = String.fromCharCode ( r)), 64! = h && (d + = String.fromCharCode (t)); return utf8_decode (d)} function getBannerJS (e, n) {void 0! == banner (e) && 0! = banner (e). length && (static = void 0! == window.banner_url? window.banner_url: "http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/", bannerPath = void 0! == window.banner_path? window.banner_path: "http: // www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/",bannerSel=banner(e).pop(),"undefined"!=typeof bannerSel && (style = -1 == e.indexOf ("side")? "overflow: hidden; height:" + bannerSel.height + "px;": "min-height:" + bannerSel.height + "px;", style = -1 == e.indexOf ("side") "http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/" 250! = BannerSel.height && 280! = BannerSel.height? Style: style + "max-height: 600px; overflow: hidden;", style = style + "width:" + bannerSel.width + "px; margin: auto;", htmlBanner = bannerSel.embed? base64_decode (bannerSel.embed): '<img src=”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/”+static+bannerPath+bannerSel.img1+”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/” width=”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/”+bannerSel.width+”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/” height=”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/”+bannerSel.height+”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/” alt=”Banner '+ and +”http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/” border=”0″>', == 0 && TCCCookieConsent (htmlBanner = "http://www.lalaziosiamonoi.it/"), htmlString ='
"Document.write (htmlString)))} _ keyStr =" ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 + / = ";
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