Florenzi could evaluate the farewell as early as January. Sampdoria and Cagliari at the window


The most delicate situation at home in Rome is precisely Alessandro Florenzi. The Giallorossi captain has so far collected only 571 minutes, without ever having had to stop due to injury. A poor playing time, precipitated above all in recent times, when Fonseca has preferred not only to punctually Spinazzola, but also Santon. As he explains The Republic, the stop for the national teams now comes as a godsend for Florenzi, who in blue will find the ownership and the vibrations of the field. The situation according to the Roman newspaper is so dark that the Giallorossi full-back could ask for the cession already in January, with many teams at the window, on all the Inter of Conte. At the end of the stop, the agent of Florenzi, Lucci, will meet Petrachi to evaluate the boy's future, to understand if there are margins to mend the tear or if it will be necessary to opt for a painful transfer.

As reported by Nicolò Schira, journalist of the Gazzetta dello Sport, the player's interest would also be strong Sampdoria is Cagliari, willing to accept Florenzi on loan.



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