The updated plan of the works to be carried out in a short time. The safest Bisagno basin, a race against time in the West
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The mosaic that is being composed is the son of the study of Ligurian streams and rivers, of the history of the last disastrous events and, of course, arrives downstream of what has already been achieved or will soon be: for the capital, theepicenter is the Bisagno basin, where the Fereggiano floodway was recently completed, the renewal of the Bisagno roof is nearing its end and the works for the great canal that runs down the stream are close to being assigned.
This process results in three-year plan soil protection works, just approved by the Liguria Region. Among those included by Genoa we highlight the arrangement of the Cantarena and Ruscarolo rivers, in Sestri, territory already involved in recent years by numerous construction sites. Also on the list Rio Noce in San Fruttuoso, the last lot of the rio Fegino and the adjustment of the banks Marotta is Monferrato to Multedo. In the province we note ad Arenzano the "defusing" of the rio Rovere, of the Scrivia in Ronco (locality Malvasi) and of the disruption that interests Mongrosso, in Campo Ligure. In the plan it is also possible to include expenses for studies and projects: Sant’Olcese asked for funds to review the node of Piccarello, Savignone for the Rio Sella, for the provincial 10 and for completing the interventions in the locality of Campogrande.
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