Salvini and the League? "Waiters of the multinationals in disguise from sovranisti". Because on the former Ilva "in these days we will have to respect the sovereignty of the State". And how did the Northern League react to ArcelorMittal's actions? Salvini replied: immediately reintroduce immunity. "A surrender without conditions: in a little while they also bring lemon zest ”. In short: "We have arrived at the paradox that the multinational relies on sovereignists to bend the will of the state". The attack on the secretary of the Northern League is signed by the political leader of the M5s Luigi Di Maio, Salvini's government ally until three months ago. With a post on facebook, after a 24-hour waiting silence, the Foreign Minister writes that in these hours in which there will be "to respect the sovereignty of the State" (same concept expressed yesterday also by the President of the Council Giuseppe Conte) to be able to do it will be only "people of common sense. United and all on the same side, that of the city of Taranto, its citizens and its workers. The 5 Star Movement will be there ".
Salvini's answer comes during an electoral campaign initiative in Bologna: “To hear Di Maio speak of sovereignty is embarrassing. Give workers a response, "he says. Is sovereignty to be defended? "Those who gave birth to the government between Berlin, Paris and Brussels said. They are the last ones who can talk. I am interested in the tens of thousands of jobs at stake. These jerks should think about it. The League is ready: if they bring something intelligent to the classroom, we support it ".
The head M5s insists speaking of "battle for the sovereignty of the Italian state". "If a multinational has signed a commitment with the State – stresses – the State must to be respected, asking for the respect of the pacts and making itself to pay damages".
Di Maio then resumed the appeal to the unity of the country already launched between yesterday and today by the head of government and the Minister of Development Stefano Patuanelli. "All the political forces of government support the action of President Conte, who yesterday unmasked the firstbluff, leading Mittal to admit that they would have fired anyway 5 thousand employees, also with the reintroduction of the so-called penal shield. I address, as did Patuanelli, also to the opposition and in particular to those who define themselves as sovereign, because their position is precisely controversial".
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