Ya despego avion de la Fuerza Aerea Mexicana with Evo Morales on board. De acuerdo a convenciones internacionales vigentes esta bajo the proteccion of de Mexico. Su vida and integridad estan a salvo. pic.twitter.com/qLUEfvciux
– Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) November 12, 2019
Just before Morales he had promised that he would soon return to Bolivia with "more strength and energy" and had tweeted a photo showing him lying on the floor in a seemingly bare building: "So it was my first night after leaving the presidency forced by the Mesa coup and Camacho (two opposition leaders) with the help of the police ".
Asi fue me primera noche despues de dejar la presidential uteado el el golpe de Mesa y Camacho with ayuda de la Policia. Asi recorde tiempos de executive. Muy agradecido con mis hermanos de las federaciones of the Tropico de Cochabamba por brindarnos seguridad y cuidado. pic.twitter.com/O1EpDhS5Qw
– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) November 12, 2019
Morales had been forced to resign on Sunday after the Bolivian security forces deployed against him and his government.
The crisis in Bolivia has been going on for about three weeks, since the results of the last presidential elections, held last October and won by Morales but disputed by the opposition, have been released. According to the opposition parties, in fact, preliminary election data had been manipulated to prevent Morales from going to the ballot with Carlos Mesa, his main challenger: the accusations had provoked the start of numerous demonstrations against the former president , also because Morales was a candidate to obtain his fourth presidential term, despite the fact that the Bolivian Constitution only allows two.
The situation in Bolivia after the developments of recent days has remained rather chaotic, also because the people who occupied the most important institutional offices in the country have all resigned in solidarity with the former president. Jeanine Anez Chavez, second vice president of the Senate and senator of the opposition Democratic Union, should now be appointed head of government.
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