A new earthquake this has happened today in our peninsula. The last earthquake detected by the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the Ingv, has been located in Tuscany, near Livorno. A 2.5 magnitude earthquake recorded during the night just past, at 4.46 am between Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October. The epicenter, the exact point of the shock, was located with geographical coordinates 43.62 degrees of latitude and 10.28 of longitude, while the hypocenter, the depth, was identified at 8 kilometers below sea level. The earthquake occurred not on the mainland but in the Tyrrhenian Sea, and in addition to Livorno the nearest localities involved were Pisa and Collesalvetti. Within a radius of fifty kilometers, instead, we find Viareggio, Lucca, Massa and Carrara. The quake did not cause injuries, nor damage to the structures of the various buildings present.
Yesterday evening, the Engv registered another earthquake, still in the Tyrrhenian Sea but much further south, near the Sicilian coasts. As specified by the Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the quake was detected at 7:22 pm yesterday, Wednesday 23 October, with geographical coordinates equal to latitude 38.64 degrees and longitude 13.98. The hypocenter, the depth, was instead located ten kilometers below sea level. Within a radius of twenty kilometers there are no countries as the shock occurred at sea, while within 80 kilometers there are the Sicilian cities of Bagheria and Palermo. Also in this case, as for the earthquake in Tuscany, no damage occurred to the buildings, much less injured.
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