However, the reasons for this confidentiality are not clear, just as it is not clear why Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina chose Morocco and not Spain, Italy or Portugal. According to the rumors, however, Morocco would have been chosen to reassure the mother of CR7, Dolores Aveiro, very jealous of her son, so much so as to have received coldly the marriage between the child and Rodriguez.
And yet, CR7 would also have changed something in his will, in order to offer more protection to the wife and mother of Alana Martina, as well as to the other children of the footballer. He confirmed it, always a Novella 2000, an anonymous source very close to the couple: "I had understood everything since last August 29 – the source has revealed -. That day Cristiano went to Madeira from his lawyers and changed the will to also protect Georgina. Before then all his assets would have been managed by his mother, while that day he changed some provisions and inserted Georgina ". not just marriage for Georgina, but also an armored future. From the will.
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