Data in euro, unless otherwise indicated
There are no further indications on how to identify the category of "super pollutants", But it is likely that reference will be made to national labor contracts. In any case, the purpose of the modification to the draft is to avoid an increase in who in principle makes a massive use of the vehicle for work, separating the treatment from that provided for those who in fact have a prevalence of private use.
The problem is that the sellers are not the only category that tends to need to travel a lot by car: there are also, for example, service technicians and personnel who deal with logistics or give advice to customers of various kinds. For these categories, on the other hand, the burden should double.
In fact, outside the cases of hybrids, electricity and sellers, the share of private use to be taxed would rise from 30 to 60 percent. Not only that: if the vehicle's CO2 emissions exceed 160 g / km (the same threshold beyond which theecomalus effective from March on purchases), it goes up to 100%, as was foreseen for everyone without distinction in the first drafts of the bill.
Majority divided on the provision
Also in this version the provision does not like. Not even to some member of the government belonging to the same political force as the deputy minister for the economy, Laura Castelli, to which the squeeze on company cars is attributed. Indeed, yesterday the Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Stefano Buffagni, stated that the modification of the measure was "thanks to our intervention, but I do not like it, for me it is not enough, so you only pay those who already pay. There will be a lot of work to do in Parliament ».
Not even the fact that just yesterday the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli (also M5S), has returned to the topic of the table open to his department to help the sector automotive, which will instead be hit by the grip on company cars.
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