With the Basic income "we were wrong to incardinate it with great frenzy". The senator says it Gianluigi Paragone, host of in Half an hour more on Rai 3.
"We didn't know how to build it because we accelerated too much, absolutely."
That the true measure of the 5 stars movement is more than a problem is now known: if the beneficiaries are dissatisfied with the subsidies too small, on balance even in the numbers the provision that had to cancel poverty did not help many poor people. So much so that INPS has recently activated a specific information activity to signal the possibility of the benefit to those who did not use it because they were not adequately informed.
There is also another aspect, perhaps even more serious: the so-called phase two, or that relating to job offers to be presented to the beneficiaries, it has not yet started, in fact, it risks slipping again over time. Many of the pacts for work still remain to be signed and an investigation by the Corriere della Sera same navigator they would not even be able to search among the companies that can offer jobs. In practice, the navigators are not only not talking to companies to understand their needs and intermediary between them and the unemployed, but they do not even know how to do it because they are waiting for courses that have not yet begun.
Citizenship income, the latest insult: phase two is a nightmare (for job seekers)
In fact also the "projects of collective utility", the new ones socially useful work to be entrusted to the income earners, they do not leave because the ad hoc decree has just been launched and the plans of the municipalities are missing.
In short, a real fiasco that could weigh on the credibility of the main sponsor of the measure: the 5-star movement. Senator Paragone makes it clear and I return: "The M5S is not working this way".
"When you lose millions of votes you have to do the process not to the political leader, but to the entire Movement. I put myself first, the moment I'm revealing my thoughts".
But from the senator who repeatedly found himself in disagreement with the Movement's line, there is also a very harsh statement, very cryptic if they wanted to. To the direct question on the future of the Government, the answer of Gianluigi Paragone she was anything but diplomatic.
"Will the Conte government go ahead?"
"For me, not, but I don't think that in the event of a fall the term ends: for me this term can last longer than the Conte government"
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