From January, as she herself reveals, on the evening of Monday Wanda will play the role of vestal alongside Alfonso Signorini, who has been in charge of the Big Brother Vip and seems to be among the most convinced supporters of the goodness of this choice. To complete the picture, we recall, there will also be Pupo who returns to occupy a highly visible armchair.
It will be a new test to which the Nara does not intend to withdraw even though, on this occasion, he has been keen to stress some things, thanks to the scheme of "Hazme a pregunta".
As the lady explains Icardi, the television commitments will keep it in Italy, forcing them to split between Milan is Paris where is it Mauro he chose to play, in search of that balance that Inter now lacked. Fresh from a disappointing and painful season, Icardi today he has found goals and numbers, with a different jersey than the Nerazzurri, placing Marotta and Count before a decidedly changing and complicated situation.
"This year will be the case for us, I respect work a lot. I am one who works as a child and I can't stand without doing anything or even saying no to a job offer. Because this is how I think I have to educate my children with sacrifice and a lot of work ", replied Wanda revealing how she does not intend to retreat on the professional side and towards Mediaset, which has repeatedly shown that she is focusing on the wife Icardi.
A concept that reiterated, to those who asked her about the television commitments how her winter will look: "Every Sunday I do live 3 hours of sports program in Milan that I finish at 3 am and now on Monday I'll be in Rome for the 20th anniversary of the GF ". A detail, that of the day, which was not disclosed in the company's statement.
A special thought, Nara dedicates it to her friend Claudia Lai Nainggolan, wife of the former Inter player today at Cagliari, who is facing a breast cancer with extreme pride. A complicated test, that Claudia she is living and sharing to give courage and vigor to those who, like her, are fighting. "A great woman" defines it Wanda, reaffirming the bond of esteem and friendship that unites them.
The questions, then, up Icardi and on their family they occupied a large part of this space. On the future, Wanda Nara he replied posting the field images of his wife and publishing the messages of the Inter fans asking her to work for an almost idealized return of the former captain in Milan. And that is not missing from Marotta's agenda, which will have to be measured again with the requests of Wanda soon, when it will be time to finally dissolve the knots left after the decision to accept the loan renewal. Another, thin, thread of the plot of the Mrs. Icardi.
VIRGILIO SPORT | 14-11-2019 10:44
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