A couple of days ago, before Salvini arrived in Naples, the capital of Campania was filled with offensive writings and insults. The slogan "Salvini, Naples disgusts you" he had appeared in the streets of the city (see the gallery). "Hates the League", incited others agitated. Among the places hit by the vandals also the exterior of the Metropolitan cinema, in the most chic area of Naples, the Riviera di Chiaia. Here some unknown persons have defaced the facade of the historic building using black spray paint. In Campania the leader of the Northern League returned to give the eviction notice to the president of the Region, Vincenzo De Luca. "We must liberate Campania – the former number one of the Interior Ministry announced – in the past few days – by the three losers: Luigi Di Maio, Vincenzo De Luca and Luigi de Magistris". The elections will be held next year, but even now the climate is getting hot.
In the video, which immediately went around the web (see here), we can see very well the moment when Salvini is approached by an exponent of the Italian left. The fugitive, after having poured screams and insults in dialect against the Northern League leader, tries to attack him physically by throwing himself at him. An attack that is consumed in less than a minute but could have ended very badly. Fortunately, as can be seen from the video, the men of the escort proved to be quick to intercept the attacker and neutralize him.
The attack suffered by Salvini says, however, long about the climate of hatred that the left, the social centers and the antagonist network is mounting against him. Not a single meeting passes without the non-globalists not protesting and staging pickets (very often violent) in order not to make them talk. The threats and insults, in short, are on the agenda. And in the past the assaults (even dynamitardi) were not missed at the Carroccio headquarters. Now, however, the violent have taken another (very dangerous) step forward: they have, in fact, passed to thephysical attack. Next of this step you can't know where it will come from.
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