12:43 – Naples dismissed the appeal for the disqualification of Carlo Ancelotti. The news comes from Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli, the club's official broadcaster, which informs how the hearing in the Court of Appeal was not enough: the Commission decided to confirm the stop to the blue coach, who is therefore at the Olimpico today will not be on the bench.
12:35 – The verdict is not yet known. There are less than two and a half hours to Roma-Napoli and Carlo Ancelotti still does not know if he will sit on the bench or go to the stands.
12:05 – The hearing of Carlo Ancelotti before the Federal Court lasted about 20 minutes. Il Mattino today at the newsstand wrote that the blue coach had a letter of defense ready to eliminate the disqualification.
11:55 – He did not want to answer the questions when he left the Court of Appeal, but Ancelotti seemed quite satisfied. Smiling, he headed by car, then returned to his boys because today there is Rome. And he hopes to be on the bench, not in the stands.
11:37 – After the debate in the courtroom, Carlo Ancelotti greeted the judges of the Court of Appeal and is now awaiting the response. Within twenty minutes we should know if the Italian coach will be disqualified or not in today's match against Roma.
11.04 – Carlo Ancelotti, after the urgent appeal filed by Naples to annul the disqualification of a round in the match against Atalanta, it was presented just before 11 am in the federal prosecutor's office to discuss before the Court of Appeal. The discussion is now underway and, as can be seen from the shots published by Gianluca Di Marzio of Sky Sport on his official website, the coach was accompanied by a blue delegation and the club's lawyers.
10:00 – 11 am, in the 1st section of the Appello sports court chaired by Lorenzo Attolico. It is there and at that moment that Ancelotti will try to make his voice heard. A speech has already been prepared, he wrote a defensive letter in his own hand that he wants to make those who will judge read. The first front to overcome, however, is that of the admissibility of the appeal. In this the lawyers of the blue club will have to be good.
Hello dear friends of Tuttonapoli.net, today Carlo Ancelotti will discuss the urgent appeal for the disqualification imposed by the Sports Judge. We at Tuttonapoli.net will follow the hearing in the Court of Appeal.
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