with Spal he wants an angry Milan


If with Giampaolo the main concepts during the press conferences were tactical, linked above all to the position on the pitch, the playmaker and the characteristics of the players, with Stefano Pioli there was a return to the past. The Milan coach in the analysis of the moment of the team beat the same keys as Rino Gattuso. That is the search for an emotional reaction from his boys. Milan must react with determination, the players must be angry according to the coach, and show that the technical gaps can be met by the fighting spirit on the pitch. Everything starts from the head, from the desire to question oneself and from the ability to know how to suffer for the partner, all concepts that Gattuso already expressed last year.

"We want to put in a fighting team. We cannot be the best team from a tactical and technical point of view, but we must be from the point of view of the spirit ", explained the coach on the eve of the challenge against Spal scheduled for tonight at San Siro." We need to be realistic, it is not a good time, but we have the opportunity to improve the standings and to show that we are better than we saw on Sunday. "For this there will be some important changes compared to the last race. Pioli is willing to keep both Calabria and Conti, both right-back full-backs, and giving room to Duarte, in order to have three central defenders when Theo Hernandez will advance in the opposite lane, while Biglia should rest in midfield, with Bennacer playing his first race starting from the time he arrived new coach: the same goes for Piatek forward, preferred by Leao, in a run-off with Suso and Castillejo for the role of external right.



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