An indirect praise of capitalism and a cannon shot against the left. This, in summary, is the last tweet of Vittorio Feltri. The director of Free says its on Twitter, after having underlined in the last days how, first, the left is slowly disappearing and, secondly, that this "disappearance" does nothing but cheer him up. And here we are at the last act: "Capitalism is imperfect and causes social infections – the director chirps on the premise – but the pauperism of the left is a cancer that kills"concludes Vittorio Feltri. In short, better – much better – capitalism rather than the ideal of equality in poverty ridden by comrades.
Also read: "Take a brain lift": Vittorio Feltri against Lilli Gruber
Below, the tweet by Vittorio Feltri:
Capitalism is imperfect and causes social infections, but the pauperism of the left is a cancer that kills.
– Vittorio Feltri (@vfeltri)
October 31, 2019
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