The match: 36-15
Facing Castres in the derby du Midi, the reigning French champion built his success in seven minutes, the first, entering two tries. The Castrais had not touched the ball until after a minute and twenty seconds, winger Lebel went into their in-goal. Then, pierced by a cross pass of school, the defense Tarnese saw Tauzin spinning to test between the posts (7th).
With a goal from Holmes in the 15th – which will score three more in the 29th, 52nd and 58th minutes for good measure – Toulouse led clearly, 17-0, comfortable mattress that allowed him to stay ahead until the end, even if the Castrais, who never gave up but were too undisciplined and clumsy to consider this time a success in Ernest-Wallon, went up to eight points (20-12) in the 48th, when Toulouse was outnumbered .
In a breathtaking final of offensives in short passes, this standing game which is the mark of the champion, with raises and repetitions, the Stade Toulousain reaped an offensive bonus that really reflects the content of his match against his best neighbor or his worst Enemy, this catchy Castres who believed in the exploit at the beginning of the second period but was not armed enough in the movement to stem the waves of Toulouse, standing wind.
The number of yellow cards distributed in this meeting. Two in Castres (Hounkpatin in the 14th and Dumora in the 57th), one in Toulouse (Sele Tolofua in the 47th).
Surprise, versatile back Thomas Ramos (24 years, 9 caps since 2019) held with the Stade Toulousain against Castres and he held his place all the time without appearing in the least embarrassed by any sprain … Understand who can.
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