"The atypical situation of a service manager. This sober formulation is the title of four paragraphs of the report of definitive observations of the regional chamber of accounts, which we were able to consult and which Rue 89 Lyon revealed. Four paragraphs that would go unnoticed if we stick to the well-honed speech of regional president Laurent Wauquiez on "the best managed region of France". However, these few lines reveal a preferential treatment reserved for the "head of the Elected Relations and Territories" in the region. "Remuneration that may be considered disproportionate", says the text of the report. The principal concerned, Ange Sitbon, close to Laurent Wauquiez, in fact receives 9,000 net euros per month, more than double the average remuneration of the 97 service managers (4,000 net euros).
Ange Sitbon is one of the finest connoisseurs of the French electoral map, who worked at the RPR, now UMP then LR. At the Region, as head of the Elected and Territorial Relations Department, he manages with a small team the allocation of grants after receiving requests from the communities; with a method that the opposition considers too political. A key mission in the regional policy of Laurent Wauquiez, which is obviously rewarded by a substantial remuneration.
"It is, moreover, more than 50% higher than the highest remuneration paid to a service manager, adds the regional chamber of accounts. This level of pay ranks this officer at the fifth highest level of compensation in the community, before the compensation awarded to certain Assistant Directors General of Services. "
A suite in court?
It is also the quality of contractual agent of Angel Sitbon that challenges the room. It recalls that 'the position of responsible for the service in question is to be filled by the recruitment of an official' and that the contract staff 'can not otherwise be awarded a remuneration which exceeds that which can be claimed by staff members. the State holding office and having equivalent qualifications ".
Lastly, the report, although it does not openly advise the administrative court, is full of innuendo: "The administrative judge, when seized, verifies the absence of a manifest error of assessment. In this case, (…) the board considers that the remuneration paid incurs the risk of being considered disproportionate. "
The region responded by saying that it is a "high-level technical job, involving coordination and support missions, linked to the territories", and that it concerns only one staff member the 9,000 in the community.
A blur on cabinet employees
The report of the regional chamber of accounts also refers to irregularities in the number of cabinet employees. The maximum number allowed is 19. However, according to the Chamber, "there is a significant difference between their apparent number and their actual number". Indeed, the region has hired some 20 "vice-presidents" – positions filled by contract agents and four permanent civil servants – assigned to the vice-presidency. But "the standard job description reveals that the tasks performed are close to those generally assigned to the cabinet employees". "The provisions of Article 12 of the Decree of 16 December 1987 setting a maximum number of cabinet employees are, in fact, not respected," adds the report, acknowledging "an incomplete knowledge of the total amount allocated to compensation of employees of cabinet ".
The Region has indicated to us that the number of vice-presidents has been divided by two, the latter need to be assisted by representatives of mission whose role is to provide an administrative relay between the territorial authority and the administrative services . These posts exist, depending on the region, since 2004, and "have not been subject to any observation or control of legality or the prefect". "The exercise of the mission of these agents is not under the authority of the cabinet management, adds the community. Their mission is detached from that of the president's cabinet. "
D. Ma.
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