The coupon on the agreed rents remains at 10%: secure contracts and advances



Reversal of the Government, which had announced a rate of 12.5% ​​from 2020. An average price increase of € 151 per year for about 703,000 owners was averted. No risk of avalanche cancellations or renegotiation requests

by Cristiano Dell'Oste

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There cedular dry on the agreed rents will remain at 10% in 2020. Escaped danger, therefore, at least 703 thousand tax payers that in the latest tax returns they have applied the flat tax on fixed fees. Without regulatory changes, from next year the tax rate would have risen to 15% and the Government, in recent weeks, had hypothesised to stabilize the level of the withdrawal halfway, at 12.5 percent. An announcement that sparked protests bipartisan of building ownership associations and tenant unions. The majority summit on Tuesday, on the other hand, produced an agreement in the majority to make the reduced rate structural. The modest amount of money involved probably also weighed: Il Sole 24 Ore estimated that the price increase would have yielded about 115 million to the public purse.

Price increases avoided for € 151 per contract
Compared to the average rent declared in 2018 (equal to 6,034 euros per year) the increase in the rate to 12.5% ​​would have meant an average increase of 151 euros per year (754 euros instead of 603).

No effect on contracts and advances
The announcement of the Deputy Minister for the Economy, Antonio Misiani, avoids the risk of cancellations by the owners and requests for renegotiation (possible, however, only upon expiry of the contract or via a specific conciliation procedure). No effect even on the tax advances which, by not changing the tax rate, will remain unchanged.

The map of savings: Emilia Romagna and Lazio at the top
The use of the agreed fee contracts is not uniform in the territory. According to Finance statistics, of the 703 thousand beneficiaries, almost 123 thousand are in Emilia Romagna, to which 112 thousand are added in the Lazio, 64 thousand in Tuscany, 60 thousand in Veneto, 56 thousand in Piedmont and 46 thousand in Liguria. The Omi delle Entrate notes that in several large centers the agreed rents have exceeded the free rents, in the registrations of new contracts: in 2018 it happened for example in Rome, Bologna and Genoa.

Tax planning between increasing rents, IMU and Tasi
The confirmation of the 10% tax rate offers an additional certainty to the landlords, called to assess the convenience of the different rental formulas in a market context that is anything but easy to interpret. On the one hand, in fact, in almost all the major Italian cities local agreements for the agreed rents have been renovated after Ministerial Decree of 16 January 2017, which redefined the basic rules for these contracts (for example, a Rome, Bologna, turin is Milan). On the other hand, however, the trend of free rents recorded by all observers is growing and in many large centers – those where more subsidized rents are made – the boom in short rents has broken out. Without forgetting that in 2019 several Municipalities have exploited the "release" of local taxes to increase the Imu rates (and possibly Tasi) applied to the agreed rents.

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