Small and medium enterprises, Sergio Mattarella: "Institutions ensure their development and their innovation with fair taxation and simple rules"


The path of innovation and digitalization of small businesses must be accompanied by a "Overall strategy" able to "ensure" an environment "conducive to entrepreneurship" and "sustainable development, including simple rules, efficient administrations and one fair taxation ". Thus the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in a message sent to the National Confederation of Craft and Small and Medium Enterprises at the national assembly. An invitation, that of the head of state, addressed to both "Institutions" that "To the social partners", with an explicit reference also to the questions concerning the tax.

"The economic slowdown, in particular for tensions that slow down trade and feed theuncertainty at the international level, highlights – writes president Mattarella in the message to the Cna – the need for a strong Europe to face the challenges – internal and external – and to support the family trust and companies to revive demand ". And therefore, specific, “investments in infrastructure, innovation and training are essential to seize the opportunities of the new technologies in a widespread manner, reduce gaps and enhance the contribution of small businesses and crafts, fundamental in our country in terms of occupation and quality productions ".

Italian creativity, says the head of state, "can find important leverage in the digital transition, which expands the possibilities of customizing products and accessing a broader market also for small companies in different sectors: from agri-food, to manufacturing, to tourism. The institutions, together with the social partners, must accompany – adds Mattarella – this path with an overall strategy, ensuring an environment that favors theentrepreneurship and sustainable development, including simple rules, efficient administrations and a fair taxation "which, he underlines, "Does not distort competition between operators".

The president of the Cna, Daniele Vaccarino, in the presence of the premier Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, he instead focused on electronic money: "Dissemination must be accompanied by drastic reduction of costs and commissions, from incentive mechanisms and not from obligations. But, first of all, it must not be directed against some professional categories, as is unfortunately happening these days ”.

Then a call came to the government to introduce "immediately" the web tax "Because it's time to to charge the right also to the giants of the Net "and asked that the contrast to thetax evasion be conducted “without criminalize indistinctly autonomous, artisans, traders, professionals and small businesses ". "We are tired of this fury", he stressed asking to fight in the first place those who make use of "sophisticated elusive mechanisms, puts in place carousel scams, uses illegitimately compensation and tax credits, does not have one stable territorial seat and makes billionaire profits through a digital organization ".


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