Save Business Decree, the government also asks the House to trust the text with the rules on riders and the end of waste


The government has placed the confidence on the Business Decree also in the House, after a week ago measure he moved to the Senate. The Minister for Relations with Parliament announces it to the Montecitorio assembly Federico D'Inca. The House group leader has established that voting declarations will take place tomorrow from 4 pm and the call for nominal voting will start at 5.30 pm. The deadline for the presentation of the agenda was set at 11 am tomorrow. The decree must be converted by 5 November.

Last week at the request of a group of M5s deputies was carved the contested provision oncriminal immunity for the managers of theex Ilva of Taranto. Approved "Unless understood" in one of the last Councils of Ministers of the Lega-M5s government, the decree was signed in the first days of September by the President of the Republic.

The new majority has agreed to confirm the article that increases the protection for i ciclofattorini, despite protests from different groups of riders. For all, the exceeding the piece rate, a pay hooked to collective agreements is health protection is social security. Then for those who bring ready meals on the bike regularly, in short for professional riders, take the treatment from subordinate work. So a double track: a core of guarantees that applies to those who perform theactivity occasionally and the conditions of the employee for those who are continuously employed. There are two deadlines set in the decree: the obligation to Inail coverage after three months of entry into force and the minimum compensation after twelve.


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