19:55 – Offensive line-up also in Salzburg with Daka and Minamino, two strikers in all respects, midfielders and bench for the outside Szosboszlai
19:45 – Training revised for Ancelotti and problems also to compose the bench. The technician in fact no longer has central defenders, in addition to the side defenders, and on the bench is forced to choose only offensive players: Ospina, Elmas, Gaetano, Insigne, Milik, Llorente, Younes.
19.35 – OFFICIAL FORMATIONS – Issue official formations. In Naples Manolas does not recover and then Luperto in the middle in a new defense. In midfield there is Zielinski and Insigne goes out again while in attack Ancelotti surprises even ADL with Lozano and Mertens together in attack.
SALZBURG (4-4-2): Stankovic; Kristensen, Ramalho, Wober, Ulmer; Minamino, Mwepu, Junuzovic, Daka; Hwang, Haaland. Marsch All. Available: Coronel, Ashimeru, Vallci, Onguene, Koita, Szosboszlai, Okugawa.
NAPLES (4-4-2): Meret; Malcuit, Luperto, Koulibaly, Di Lorenzo; Callejon, Allan, Fabian, Zielinski; Mertens, Lozano. Ancelotti All. Available: Ospina, Elmas, Gaetano, Insigne, Milik, Llorente, Younes.
19:30 – We go to Mertens and Lozano from the first minute on the pitch in Salzburg. Soon the official formations with Ancelotti that could at this point also surprise ADL that expected Milik holder.
19:25 – Nothing to do, Kostas Manolas will not be playing tonight in Salzburg. The latest update comes from Carlo Alvino, TV Luna journalist, who announced the white flag raised by the Greek defender who did not give the go-ahead after the blow suffered in the last match with Verona. At this point Luperto started with Koulibaly and zero defensive changes for Ancelotti struggling with yet another accident.
19:15 – Less than two hours before the start of the match, already long rows are recorded outside the Red Bull Arena in Salzburg. On the home page you will find the photos of our correspondent in Salzburg.
19:00 – Tv Luna journalist, Carlo Alvino, published a post on Twitter about Manolas conditions. These are his words: "It will be up to Manolas (in agreement with the technical and medical staff) the last word. We will have to suffer but I do not believe that the Greek is a man to hold back. To assess the risks, of course".
18:40 – Sky's envoy, Alessandro Alciato, has released the following statements to Sky Sport 24 on the likely formation of the Azzurri: "Despite the words of De Laurentiis, Milik's departure is not so obvious from the first moment. The only sure of the place is Lozano. Attention also to Manolas, the Greek is not at his best. Luperto could be in his place. "
Marsch should confirm the eleven type seen in the first two races with the doubt tied to the first point, given that the star Haaland is impressing in the Champions and is favored on Daka. For the rest in 4-4-2 – but that is more like a 4-2-4 – Minamino and Szoboszlai will be the hyper-offensive outsiders with Mwepu and Junuzovic in the middle. Kristensen on the right in defense, Captain Ulmer on the left, and in the middle the Wober-Onguene couple.
Ancelotti has to do without Mario Rui, Ghoulam and Maksimovic. In defense then Di Lorenzo should be confirmed on the left with Malcuit on the right and at the center Manolas-Koulibaly. In midfield with Callejon, Allan and Fabian could be Zielinski on the left and not Insigne. In attack, Mertens returns and to support him Lozano is slightly ahead on Insigne and Milik for features, wanting to bet with two quick players on the attack at the depth behind the high defense of the Austrians who will be constantly under pressure.
Napoli to conquer the Red Bull Arena. Ancelotti's team is expected from an important crossroads of their season, facing the direct confrontation with Salzburg for second place in the group. The task is not the simplest because Napoli faces the second most difficult race of the group, second only to the one that will be played at Anfield, for the crazy numbers in the Austrians' home: Salzburg at home has not lost since 19 European and these won 15 (of which nine in the last 10 and all the last six). On the other hand, Napoli in recent years has accentuated the Champions trend in external difficulties: only two points in the away matches of the last group stage and does not win away from eight Champions League matches (the last in Lisbon with Benfica).
Amici di Tuttonapoli, good evening and welcome to the direct text of Salzburg-Naples, a match valid for the third day of the Champions League group
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