Russiagate, Conte: "I told my truth, now Salvini clarify about Savoini and about meetings with Russian intelligence and authorities"


"It is not my habit to attack political opponents, I never did, but it surprises me that Salvini pontifical daily on the Barr issue and urged me to clarify it because he did not return. I believe his request for clarification is legitimate, as is legitimate on the part of the Italians. At this point, the truth asked by Salvini, I reported it, in the institutional I was more wealthy than details, but what surprises me is how Matteo Salvini, who was not only Minister of the Interior, a role of primary importance, but he is also a candidate to lead the country "asking" full powers to the citizens, he does not feel the need to clarify this matter ". The premier said so Giuseppe With you, after being audited by the Copasir, answering a question about the alleged affair Russian funds to the League. "I have been in strong embarrassment – he said With you on the so-called "Moscopoli" – I went to Parliament, to the Senate, to report back to him, among other things, having no information from him. The Minister of the Interior did not respond to his Prime Minister who in writing asked him for information, lacking institutional sensitivity, here there is no institutional sensitivity at all. He should make it clear what was he doing with Savoini in confidential meetings with the highest Russian authorities – the interior minister, the Russian intelligence officer, taking them with him Savoini which has no role. He should clarify it above all to the Northern League voters, to those who are today examining him to understand whether or not he is fit to lead the country "


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