Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" The Japanese police confirmed Thursday that she was investigating on charges against players of the Uruguayan team, suspected of aggression and degradation in a nightclub Kumamoto in the night from Sunday to Monday.They were the surprise of this World Cup, flying Fiji (30-27) and undermining Wales (35-13 defeat) in Pool D but the Uruguayans tarnished their exit from the World Cup. The Japanese police confirmed Thursday that it was investigating charges against players of the Uruguay rugby team. They are suspected of aggression and degradation in a Kumamoto nightclub in the night from Sunday to Monday. According to the club's owners, one of the players reportedly threw a bar staff on the floor, while another allegedly broke DJ equipment while spreading an alcoholic beverage on it, said Kenji Kawazu, a Kumamoto police officer. . The employee "& Nbsp; was slightly injured and should take a week to recover & nbsp;", he said. A case "is very disappointing and clearly not in keeping with the family spirit of the tournament" – World Rugby release According to the Japanese media, the Uruguayans have also caused further damage to the place, damaging walls, mirrors and ripping big teddy bear. "& Nbsp; We received an emergency call on October 14 (on Monday) at four o'clock in the morning. When we arrived there, there were only employees of the club. All customers, including Uruguayans, were gone & nbsp; "Kenji Kawazu added. The two players suspected of the facts were questioned Monday by the police. They left Japan with the rest of their team the same day, but the investigation continues. The Uruguay team did not comment on this incident immediately. The World Rugby Organization, World Rugby, apologized Thursday "& Nbsp; on behalf of the tournament & nbsp;" for this incident. This case "& Nbsp; is very disappointing and clearly inconsistent with the family spirit of the tournament & nbsp;", said World Rugby, while refusing to comment further, recalling that the precise facts remained to be established. "data-reactid =" 18 "> Japanese police confirmed Thursday that it was investigating accusations against players of the Uruguayan team, suspected of aggression and degradation in a nightclub in Kumamoto on the night of Sunday to Monday.They were the surprise of this World Cup, beating Fiji (30-27) and undermining the Wales (35-13 defeat) in Pool D but Uruguayans tarnished their exit from World Cup, Japanese police confirmed Thursday that it is investigating charges against players of the Uruguayan rugby team They are suspected of being assaulted and degraded in a nightclub in Kumamoto on the night of Sunday, according to club owners, one of the players reportedly throwing a bar employee on the ground. other would have broken DJ equipment spreading on it an alcoholic beverage, said Kenji Kawazu, a police officer from Kumamoto. The employee "Was slightly injured and should take a week to recover", he said. A case "is very disappointing and clearly not in keeping with the family spirit of the tournament" – World Rugby release According to the Japanese media, the Uruguayans have also caused further damage to the place, damaging walls, mirrors and ripping big teddy bear. "We received an emergency call on October 14 (on Monday) at four o'clock in the morning. When we arrived there, there were only employees of the club. All the customers, including the Uruguayans, were gone "Kenji Kawazu added. The two players suspected of the facts were questioned Monday by the police. They left Japan with the rest of their team the same day, but the investigation continues. The Uruguay team did not comment on this incident immediately. The World Rugby Organization, World Rugby, apologized Thursday "In the name of the tournament" for this incident. This case "Is very disappointing and clearly not in keeping with the family spirit of the tournament", said World Rugby, while refusing to comment further, recalling that the precise facts remained to be established.
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