
Inzaghi's questions begin:
It starts again after Lazio-Atalanta. What did Saturday's challenge leave?
"There was a lot of talk about Saturday's game, we showed character, it happened a lot. In Bologna, at the derby, with Atalanta, we proved to have character. I take the second time, m we analyzed the first. Usually the games "We approach them well. On Saturday we put our own. Even Atalanta has merits. We had to do better. Celtic runs a lot, has spirit and is technically gifted. For our part, we will have to do a great race. Here at home Celtic is very formidable ".
Is the public really a danger?
"Last year in the Europa League they passed the round brilliantly. Then they lost to Valencia in the sixteenth, the Spaniards arrived in the semifinals. They have a wonderful audience that drags them, normal that with 60,000 fans behind the attitude and performance change when playing at home ".
What will be the way to interpret the game by Lazio? What do you expect from Lazzari and Jony?
"At Lazzari and Jony I expect them to have a great race. They are excellent players and professionals, they train very well, they are trying to get into our mechanisms. I am happy with their season. We have had various examples, especially foreigners need time "We need to be cautious. But to improve we need the new ones to integrate as soon as possible. We will have to have personality, they will do a lot and they are organized, the team will mirror its coach, it has created a great feeling with the group. Some moments we will suffer, we will have to lower ourselves. Others we will have to impose our football ".
Will it be decisive for qualifying tomorrow?
"No, but very very important because then we will miss only 3. We will have to see the double comparison between Cluj and Rennes as it will end. But it will be decisive for the group. In the last two years we have won both races with Nice, as well as with Marseille. We always qualified without problems. Now we know we lost the first in Romania. "
How much turnover for the next championship matches?
"I only watched Celtic. On Saturday it was an expensive game, on Saturday the fatigue levels were higher than usual. We still had one more day to recover. We will try to have a great race. Then Sunday night we will play in Florence, we are accustomed, we know that it is costly at a physical and mental level. We wanted Europe at all costs, we wanted the Champions. Now we will try to honor the competition to the maximum without counting and thinking about Fiorentina, Milan or Torino. "
Can Celtic-Lazio be almost a Champions League night?
"I think it's great for my players, I've done a lot of them as a player, taking the field with a frame so it will be nice for my kids. There will be difficulties."
Celtic Park sold out. In Italy it never happens with the Europa League, why is the competition snubbed?
"I think it is a question of culture and traditions. We played the first one in Romania, there were 13 thousand people, tomorrow 65 thousand. With Rennes 10-15 thousand are few, it is such a bad habit, it should not be. Tomorrow will be a beautiful atmosphere, I think it's the best for every player to play at Celtic Park. "
Often there is a problem related to racism. Worried?
"No, from the Lazio region every form of racism has always been fought. Tomorrow there will be no problems, it will be a good match to live".
What do you think of Edouard?
"A very good player. Even the power plants are physical, they have a great goalkeeper who made the Premier, two full-backs. They lost the last preliminary for the Champions League draw. They are equipped, we will have to do a great race, it is in our ropes ".
Published 23-10 at 19:27
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