It is one of the smaller regions of Italy, but the outcome of the elections in Umbria will be very relevant for national political balances. On Sunday 27 October (from 7 am to 11 pm), about 703 thousand Umbrians will be called to the polls to elect the new governor a year in advance, after the outgoing Catiuscia Marini (Pd) was forced to resign after being investigated for a affair concerning alleged irregularities in regional health competitions.
As many as 8 aspiring governors are in the running, with over 360 candidates for regional councilors. But the real game is between Vincenzo Bianconi (supported by Pd and M5S) e Donatella Tesei, senator of the League supported by the whole center-right. The outcome of this challenge could also have repercussions on the majority holding that supports the government, although Emilia-Romagna will almost certainly act as a watershed, where it will be voted in January.
For Pd and Movement, after the unprecedented breakthrough to support Count II, it is the first experiment by allies in the area. And depending on how it will end, the Umbrian match will mark future and possible new pacts, to stem the League of Matteo Salvini.
For the center right, with the Carroccio in the lead, it will be the occasion to claim to be a majority in the country. "We will withdraw – repeated Salvini in fact -. And it will be a very important political signal, a national test ».
The other running candidates are: Claudio Ricci (Umbria proposal, Civic Italy and Ricci president); Emiliano Camuzzi (Power to the people); Rossano Rubicondi (Communist Party); Martina Carletti (Regaining Italy); Giuseppe Cirillo (Party of Good Manners); Antonio Pappalardo (Orange vests).
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