out Insigne, fast attack with the tactical plan of Salzburg


by Antonio Gaito – Very delicate match at the San Paolo. After being on par with Spal, not taking advantage of the stops of the first two and losing ground from Atalanta, Napoli receives Gasperini's team for a direct confrontation that is currently the third place. In reality the Neapolitans are played much more because, after so many points lost with the medium-small ones, not winning could mean slipping even behind the Roman ones as Roma has shortened to -1 and Lazio to -2.

Beyond the implications of the classification, the Napoli is called to a convincing test, trying to raise the level as it happened so far more than anything in the Champions League. In front of us there will be a very fast-paced team, with the best attack with 28 goals (10 more than Napoli) and 14 conceded (3 more than Napoli). But do not call it a surprise because Atalanta is the first in January in the virtual ranking in the calendar year 2019, doing even better than Juventus. Gasperini's team is back from a 7-1 at home against Udinese, but it seems to express itself even better outside the home where it has 13 points in 5 games, but without the comeback from 3-0 to 3-3 with Lazio it would even be full score on the road.

At Naples the arduous task of stopping the nerazzurri, as happened more than anything else in the Champions League with 3 bad defeats over 3 races, with the European teams that manage with quality to escape the all-out marks of Bergamo, transforming the point of strength del Gasp in weak point, taking the defenders out of position with strikers who almost always have mobility and dribbling. What Ancelotti managed to do last season by winning in Bergamo and dominating for an hour at home on the way back.

THE LAST ON NAPLES – Ancelotti loses Malcuit, but recovers Mario Rui on the left (but if he doesn't have the 90 'Luperto cannot be ruled out), thus bringing Di Lorenzo to the right. In the middle, still Manolas and then Maksimovic paired with Koulibaly. In the midfield, a Callejon and Fabian jersey is resumed, with Allan and probably Zielinski on the left, a favorite on Insigne. In attack Mertens and Lozano also based on the characteristics of Atalanta. Zielinski, Mertens and Lozano: these three chosen to have leg in the spaces, once opened the field escaping from the markings and the Nerazzurri pressure, thus tracing the tactical plan implemented also with Salzburg.

THE LAST ON THE ATALANTA – Gasperini without Duvan and Palomino and with doubt Masiello, could re-propose the trio Djimsiti, Kjaer and Toloi. In midfield De Roon and Freuler (favorite on Pasalic in the rotations) with Chestnuts on the right and Gosens on the left. In attack in four, Malinovskyi, Ilicic, Gomez and Muriel are playing three places with the latter which could also start from the bench in view of the rotations.

NAPLES (4-4-2): Meret; Di Lorenzo, Maksimovic, Koulibaly, Mario Rui; Callejon, Allan, Fabian, Zielinski; Mertens, Lozano. Ancelotti All
ballots: Mario Rui-Luperto 55% -45%, Zielinski-Insigne 70% -30%, Mertens-Milik 55% -45%

ATALANTA (3-4-1-2): Gollini; Toloi, Kjaer, Djimsiti; Chestnuts, De Roon, Freuler, Gosens; Malinovskyi; Gomez, Ilicic. All. Gasperini
ballots: Gomez-Muriel 55% -45%, Freuler-Pasalic 55% -45%, Castagne-Hateboer% 55-45%

REFEREE: Giacomelli (Bindoni-Longo, IV: Doveri, VAR: Banti, AVAR: Manganelli)

Direct TV on Sky Sport and live broadcast on Kiss Kiss Italia. Direct text with a large pre and post game on Tuttonapoli.net



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