Ten minutes of pure terror during which dozens and dozens – between passers-by and motorists – see death in the face. On board, a 42-year-old man will soon be discovered Civitavecchia but domiciled in Naples: G.G, military career now on leave, in obvious confusion. The carabinieri of the Radiomobile, who have it after an intercepted chase and locked in Cavalleggeri, managing to steal it from the lynching of the angry crowd.
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Someone immediately understands the danger that is running and alerts the police: "Run, here in Fuorigrotta there is a madman who is sowing terror by running in a forbidden direction!" Some also think that it could be a terrorist action. Immediately the alarm goes off and on the spot gazelles of the carabinieri and police cars are brought together; some municipal police groups are also in action, with the support of anti-accident experts from Via de Giaxa.
A general stampede is unleashed. Screaming people, mothers who with their children seek shelter in buildings or shops, other cars that risk fatal collisions. The crazy splinter that is spreading panic is actually a gray-colored Croma that continues to dart through its mad rush along the streets of Fuorigrotta. Only one woman is injured and then medicated at the emergency room of the Fatebenefratelli hospital. And it is a real miracle if the budget is so small: because the most dramatic phases of this series of chain incidents occur precisely in piazza San Vitale, where the mad runner also touches the customers seated at a bar table before hitting another car on which two women travel. Another pedestrian is hit shortly afterwards. Other screams, then the first sirens of ambulances and patrols chasing the fugitive.
But that's not all yet. Because the former military man at the wheel of the Croma does not stop, and indeed continues to crush the accelerator at the tablet taking via Cavalleggeri, a straight that looks like a velodrome. And this is where G.G. he is neutralized by the police: he is now in the barracks, where he will also be tested to see if he has acted under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Still to quantify the number of damaged cars, which is certain is that they are many. What remains a bit everywhere is a long carpet of broken glass on the ground, body parts and – in Piazza San Vitale – numerous destroyed planters. "It was hell," he says Alfredo Colucci, employee of the restaurant "10 Pasta e ceci" in viale Augusto – suddenly we heard desperate screams and the sound of damaged bodies, I saw that man overwhelm an Agila ". Terror also among the customers at the tables of the bar in Piazza San Vitale: "He passed us by touching us in a fear slalom, it is a miracle if we were not unavailable," say some patrons.
"Stefania Rossi, a young woman residing in Viale Giulio Cesare, still has the fear printed in her eyes:" We saw Croma rushing towards us, before taking full the stalls for bicycle parking and destroying some planters. We are still all in shock ". They remain incredulous in the face of what happened – but above all with respect to the narrow escape – even the patrons who were in the Bar Veronique in those moments; among them there is also Pasquale Senese, 20, who recounts: "I saw that car that started frighteningly skidding, starting to hit other moving and parked cars". It will be a long night, for the investigators who will now try to understand what triggered the ex-military mad rush.
Last updated: 23:09 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
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