
Instead, there was a flicker under the goal that could unlock the game in favor of the viola, with a Ribery not in the best shape and a Church bruised and nervous that suffered the greatest freshness of the Brescians but in the first half it was also the purple midfield. expressing quality and ideas and leaving the maneuver to the opponents instead. Opponents who asked for nothing but to show their value, with a Tonali superb and two good ones Bisoli (which also limited Ribery well) e Sabelli (in both phases) that played at all field and made the eyes of the spectators, not only Brescians, shine on different occasions, even if in the end the result was a tangled midfield and nothing else.
Certainly even Commisso from America and Barone dal Rigamonti, who have the ball of Italian talents, would have appreciated. Above all they will have confirmed their summer idea that for Tonali it is worth spending money to convince Cellino already and anticipate an inevitable auction. Returning to Fiorentina in the second half, he certainly did better but Montella waited perhaps too long to change something. To win these games you need more courage even in your choices when you see on your court that your best eleven, while always playing with order, do not produce much. The courage of the last minutes given to Vlahovic and Sottil was not enough (without naming Boateng that he could do very little in the space he had) because the hunger and the play of the young people on the field showed that last night they might have deserved more minutes than the others for find that missed goal only for bad luck in Castrovilli, even improved after the release of the two big front. The last thought is for Daniele Dessena who unfortunately suffered an important and touching injury for those who have already experienced it years before. Good luck to him.
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