
Malcuit 5.5 – Football intelligence is often worth more than any technical or physical quality. Overtaken by Hwang, alone in the midst of so many blue jerseys and with Koulibaly on the way, he pushes him far enough to give equal rigor. Remedy with the assist for the second goal, even if deviated, and a good push until he accuses the cramps.
Lupert 7 – Owner at the last minute, he debuted in the Champions League with great personality. Always attentive, responsive in following the man behind who attacks the depth. Watch out for the hard way and in so doing minimizes outgoing errors. It is forbidden to question his role in this squad.
Koulibaly 6.5 – It gives the usual sense of technical and physical omnipotence, but within its excessive power it places a couple of errors. On one of these Meret saves on Daka in the first half, then he bores the intervention and sends Haland into the goal.
Di Lorenzo 6 – Deployed to the left, it loses something in output but offers the by now usual test of application. He also beats on the level of speed when attacked by the very fast Daka, perhaps he could have been better aligned on the third goal.
Callejon 6.5 – Fatigue in a race that puts his characteristics in difficulty, forcing him to play first in the strait and very far from the door. He sacrifices himself and within moments of difficulty he also manages to give quality and launch Malcuit (from 80 'Elmas sv)
Allan 7 – A lion. At PSG and Liverpool levels, he runs for two, he often puts in an added defender patch and supports the action, without ever losing his clear head on the crazy pressure of the Salzburg. In the end he drags himself, but is always there to put his foot up and defend the ball.
Fabian 6.5 – First half an hour at the highest level, playing first and systematically sending the Salzburg pressure down. Then he begins to add some mistakes, he loses his clearness in the moments of push of the Salzburg and the recovery plays almost all from false exterior pushing the transition.
Zielinski 5.5 – Inaccurate and too soft for most of the match. It infuriates Ancelotti who then moves him to the center, widening Fabian, where he surely reveals something more. With the rescue at the 91 'almost manages to touch the sufficiency.
Mertens 8 – Reaches and exceeds Maradona, finding a fantastic goal from a tight angle that unlocks the match and then the second advantage with a good turn. It connects the wards, tries to trigger Lozano and is the soul of Naples in the folds. With the very latest energies he brings Insigne into the net for 3-2 (from 76 ' Llorente 6 – A quarter of an hour to put the game on ice, defending the ball as only he can do)
Lozano 6 – The tactical plan is right and ideal due to its characteristics, but few times it manages to go away in speed and without being able to connect to Mertens. Some good hints, but also many inaccuracies (from 64 'Insigne 7 – Enter, score the winning goal with a nice touch underneath and – finally with a true captain's attitude – he goes to embrace Ancelotti, extinguishing any controversy. For the rest he has no leg like Mertens and Lozano to do 30 meters in the space left by Salzburg, but in the strait finally makes the ball sing)
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