Manovra, Di Maio: "We are satisfied, we will improve". And warns the allies: "Be loyal". Compromise on Radical Radio


"There maneuver it's basically closed. We are satisfied, the we will improve in Parliament, it is a good starting point ". To claim it Luigi Di Maio, in front of Palazzo Chigi, at the end of the summit on the future Budget Law. A meeting suspended and then ended after several hours. Di Maio warned the allies about the parliamentary process, after which Italy Viva of Matteo Renzi had confirmed its willingness to resubmit the announced amendments, including the one on qunused 100, with the risk of a battle in Parliament, amendment by amendment. "If the whole majority is loyal to work in Parliament as a team, there will be no problems. I say this clearly: I do not expect problems and tensions. We must not do operations to put the government in difficulty. Quota 100? From Renziani it will be a flag amendment"Said Di Maio.

A compromise was reached on Radio Radicale. After that Di Maio had polemicized for the funds in maneuver, in the end there will be funds until April 30, then a race: "On April 20 there will be a competition (for the transmission of parliamentary sessions, ed), the manger is over" , claimed the pentastellato political leader. While from the Pd was the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, with delegation to the publishing, Andrea Martella to clarify: "Radical radio will continue the service until the tender is completed, the allocation of eight million per year is confirmed".


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