It must be said immediately, on the premise, with honesty: if you go to check out the comments that rain on Facebook at any post of a politician you can find everything. Mostly shameful comments, insults, threats, disputes. Therefore, going about combing the comments between posts is a bit sterile exercise. But there are the proverbial exceptions that confirm the rule. Luigi Di Maio, for example, the M5s political garment increasingly unwelcome to its electorate and even to its own party, where every day, indeed every hour, filter critical voices and rumors about "plots" to dethrone it. But let's get to the post. A post published on Facebook in view of next Sunday's regional events: "I look forward to meeting you in Umbria – pressed the grillino -! From tomorrow I will be in Umbria to talk with all the citizens and entrepreneurs who give life to excellences that make us proud of this splendid region ". So a long series of blah blah. Well. Try to look at the comments at the bottom of the post: a Caporetto, a deluge of attacks, criticisms, insults, and many of these rumors seem to all effects to be grilline. "To take stock of eggs and vegetables"; "Prepare yourself for a resounding and memorable defeat"; "You have betrayed your electorate";" Umbria will be the beginning of your end ". This is just an appetizer. For the rest, check you …
Also read: "We need an exorcism": big words in the private chat M5s
Here is the post by Luigi Di Maio:
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