Luigi Di Maio was a guest on Maurizio Costanzo Show for a long interview. The political leader of the M5S spoke of the experience in government, of relations with Matteo Salvini, but also of the dreams of when he was a child. While Di Maio was answering Costanzo's questions, the strange faces of Platinette did not go unnoticed behind him, triggering the irony on Twitter. "Am I wrong or Platinette seems to be alternating looks of hatred / contempt / resentment / embarrassment towards Di Maio?" Observes a user. "Yes, but remove Platinette behind Di Maio, you can't see the grimaces he makes while he talks," suggests another viewer of the program. "Di Maio isn't particularly nice to me! But I don't think it's very nice to place it in a light program like the Maurizio Costanzo Show, feed it to the "public" and see Platinette's continuous comments behind her "someone chirped. Photo: RedCommunications / Kikapress
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READ ALSO: – Luigi Di Maio sings Pino Daniele at the Maurizio Costanzo Show: the reaction of the studio audience
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