
Rome: Dyson, Kyzlink, Buford, Alibegovic, Jefferson
Milan: Mack, Della Valle, Micov, Scola, Tarczewski
Milan strong side, Mack and Scola the most inspired, 2 to 6. Virtus Roma who does not wait, counterpart of 8 to 0 and overtaking on 10 to 6 with 7 points to Alibegovic and Baldasso's triple. Continue the positive moment of the Capitoline, Jefferson under the basket makes the big voice and Virtus stretches to 22 to 10 of 6 '. Rodriguez and Nedovic re-write the -10, 24 to 14, but the final sees Rome reach the maximum advantage on 29 to 16. Colbrodo defense in this start of the game for the Red Shoes. The team of coach Bucchi touches the +14 at the start of the second period then Micov shortens on 33 to 22 to the 13th. Another Olimpia blackout, 8 to 2 in Rome and the score is updated to 40 to 24 at 3 minutes and 44 seconds from the interval. Mini Milan ring in the final that is not enough to go to rest under the double-digit disadvantage, Jefferson and Alibegovic until now a rebus of the Milan defense and 43 to 30 to the 20th.
It starts again with 5 points from Mack and Scola's basket, -8 at the start of the third quarter on 45 to 37 at the 22nd. It is still the long Argentine to lead the Olimpia until -7, 47 to 40 but Roma roars with Dyson and Alibegovic for the 51 to 40. Olimpia counterpart with Rodriguez and Micov protagonists, 51 to 46 and Bucchi stop the game. Dyson then marks Micov from the line and Rodriguez make no mistake and is now -2, 53 to 51. Tarczewski crushes Rodriguez's assist, who is worth parity at 53 at 1 minute and 50 seconds from the end. Completed comeback for the Olimpia that leads on 58 to 62 after the 2 + 1 of Tarczewski and the triple of Rodriguez that close the third quarter. Dyson inaugurates the last period then Baldasso draws on 62 equal. Mini extended Olimpia with Della Valle and Micov, 62 to 67 then Jefferson worth -3. Equal to signing Dyson then Scola updates the score on 67 to 69. Micov and Kyzlink go to the mark and at the 36th is 69 to 71. Ball lost by Micov and Alibegovic on the counterattack sinks the 71-year bimana. Olimpia Timeout. Jefferson makes 1 on 2 from the line and Della Valle responds with the triple of 72 to 74. It is Tarczewski from an offensive rebound to slip the basket which is 72 to 76 at 1 and a half minutes from the end. Dyson in the foulard is 1 out of 2, 73 to 76 1 minute from the end. Even Tarczewski is sent to the bezel and only scores 1 of 2, 73 to 77. Rome timeout. Buford loses the ball, Cinciarini is sent to the line and makes no mistake by closing the games definitively. Olimpia Milano is back in the league with a final score of 73 to 79.
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