Minus two at Regional elections in Umbria 2019 with the Government that today will be presented “semi-compact" (will miss Renzi, ed) to the auditorium of Narni officially for «explain the maneuver », but in reality to try until last to modify the trend of the national and local political surveys. Analysis of the individual Umbrian candidates is not possible due to the prohibition of the electoral law, but looking at the national level how the individual parties approach the trio of Regionals (in addition to theUmbria, Calabria and Emilia Romagna) the feeling is that for Pd-M5s-Leu-Italian-Viva the passage of these elections can give much more than an "indication" on the resistance of the Government. Looking at the supermedia of political polls compiled yesterday by YouTrend / Quorum for Agi (with the intersection and average of the data Demopolis, Emg, Euromedia, Ixe, Noto, Swg, Tecne), the League of Salvini rises again from 31.4% last week to 32.6% of this just ended, a net growth that has no comparison with the other political forces, all at a loss or slightly increasing (Center Right and Renzi).
Looking at the other data from YouTrend political polls, we discover that the government forces are far from being in good shape at eve of the Regional Elections in Umbria; Pd at 19.1%, loses 0.7% in 7 days, M5s at 18.7% (-0.8% even) while The left remains at 2% and Italia Viva grows by just 0.2% after Leopolda and all criticisms of the maneuver of the Count-bis, which also supports. Good the center-right not only with the League, but also with Brothers of Italy at 8.2% average (+ 0.3%) e Forza Italia which stands at 6.9% (+ 0.3% also for Berlusconi). + Europe at 1.8% e greens at 1.7% the voting intentions resulting from the YouTrend supermedia close; in the meantime last night it was also the turn of the Ixe political polls presented in Piazza Pulita and a question on all of them particularly interested the audience. "Who will cause the end of the government?», The poll asks provocatively, with the Democratic Party that at the moment remains the least suspected in the rift (no one would agree), with 7.4% of the dem would be willing to bring down the Government, while for 25.8% l true suspect would be Luigi Di Maio and the M5s. But above all it is Matteo Renzi to represent the real internal danger to the majority: 59.7% of the sample believes it will be the leader of Italy Viva to provoke the end of the government led by Giuseppe Conte.
📊 Friday is the day of #Supermedia YouTrend for @Agenzia_Italia!
📈 Grow in the polls #Alloy, #FI is #FdI
📉 Calano instead # M5S is #PD➡️ All data: https: //t.co/q3GThXpFuJ
– YouTrend (@you_trend) October 25, 2019
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