
What part will be according to you Lazio – Turin?
"Lazio is healthy, Turin a little less. It will be a good game even if the grenades have a somewhat precarious situation regarding Cairo's confidence in Mazzarri. This is why I think the players will give something more for to ensure that an unpleasant epilogue does not materialize, then if Turin has the ambition to reach Europe it can no longer lose points and Lazio ditto..
Did you mention Mazzarri in trouble, Inzaghi instead stood up in Florence?
"Inzaghi in recent years in Rome has shown he has done an exceptional job. On Sunday he achieved an important result and now it is important to give continuity to the results. Lazio has a different ranking situation than Turin and has more important players on paper. Quest "surely he will not suffer to reach the Europa League and I hope he can even reach the Champions League, even if it will not be easy. There will be only one free place with Juventus, Napoli and Inter who are a cut above all the others. L last position if different teams will play it and Lazio is one of them. However, Torino will not give away anything, being in a precarious position in the standings that I consider neither meat nor fish..
It will also be the Immobile game against Belotti …
"Today the numbers say that Immobile is healthier than Belotti. But in these games when Tizio or Caio is expected to end the game Sempronio resolves it at the end, and between the defense and midfield with inactive balls anything can happen. I hope "That does not end in a draw because it would be a negative result for both teams. The heart tells me that Torino will prevail but I know it is quite difficult to come to Rome and win. So the best man can win!".
Who would choose between Immobile and Belotti?
"Immobile and Belotti are almost always on goal and that is why I would let them play both, but then the blanket would always become short. Mancini in the National team, for example, has a very specific tactical set-up and I think he will adopt this form until the end of the round, then when the real competitions will arrive will pull a line also looking at the state of form of the two ".
Immobile is a real sniper, as it was also at Turin …
"Immobile is hungry for goals and it always hurts. Even as a young man he has always seen the door. Today it is easy to say that it was a promise because he is continually scoring goals year after year. He reflects the ideal attacker of a great club like Lazio "Except in some circumstances in which he absents himself for 4-5 games, he almost always scores and creates opportunities even on his own. Chapeau to him and to Lazio who can enjoy a player of this thickness".
Lazio uses little, except for Immobile, the many opportunities it produces. Why do you think?
"If you produce a lot in the long run they will also mark the players who are not bomber on the card. If the last terminal is Immobile it is necessary to hope that the mechanism does not get stuck, because in that case the others must pull up their sleeves and pedal. of Lazio I hope that they will start to score the others too, otherwise, touching iron, if even a cold were to come to Immobile they would be problems.I think that a certain type of Inzaghi work should carry it forward in the week. Correa and Caicedo are quality players but they see little the door, so they must have only a little more conviction when the opportunity comes ".
What is happening to Turin instead?
"I think we need to make the comparison with last year. The strength of Turin, regardless of Belotti which was always stratospheric, was the defense while this year almost always takes goals. Unlike last year which was one of the best thanks to Sirigu and Nkoulou, this year there was a bit of bad feelings during the transfer market because it was thought that Nkoulou should go to Rome, but then he stayed. I hope that this is only a head talk, that the defense recomposes itself and the attack is not entrusted only to Belotti, as Immobile to Lazio. Also in Turin there are important players who see little the door, but I hope it is a temporary speech ".
Did you expect Inzaghi to reach such a high level of coach immediately?
"I am friends with Inzaghi, we have had several vacations together. Having fewer technical qualities than his brother Pippo and being less bomber, even if he has scored many goals, he has always had football in his head. However, I did not believe in coach Inzaghi. but this is the beauty of football, where constancy makes it the boss: if one studies and updates constantly, managing to survive in important squares such as Lazio, with presidents a little blood like Lotito, I think he is a great coach. that it is ready to make the leap in quality in an important club because I already consider Lazio to be a very important club and I hope it can stay a long time ".
She is a native of Velletri and has always spoken well of Lazio. Was he a biancoceleste fan as a child?
"As a child I did not support Lazio or Rome. I grew up with Maradona's Naples and in my heart the team that I sympathize with remained. My heart today tends a lot from the grenade side, having played for many years and scored many goals in the Turin, however, I am a sympathizer of other passionate teams like Lazio, which never starts with the favors of the prediction and which with respect to the most noble teams must always trudge to reach an important goal and almost always succeed, so even those who are not fans of the Lazio is attracted and becomes his sympathizer because he has a beautiful passionate supporter, Chaupeau to these companies, with the hope that he can reach increasingly important goals ".
Today you are the general manager of FC Messina, what is your experience?
"In Messina it is an important experience, with one president among other fans of Turin. Objective difficulties because we are in year zero, we arrived and Messina was an empty box but with an important team under the technical profile, perhaps little based on the group in which we play (Sicilian, Calabrese and Neapolitan), but all in all I think that we will reach the playoffs in two years with the goal of starting in Serie B. We can work in peace and serenity to be able to get an important job ".
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