The Guardians do not specify the place or the date of the arrest of Rouhollah Zam, who has lived in France in recent years. He ran a channel on Telegram, titled Amadnews, and shut down by this encrypted messaging platform in 2018 at the request of the Iranian authorities who deemed it "counterrevolutionary". This channel has been accused by Tehran of playing an active role in the protest of winter 2018-19, described by Tehran as "sedition".
Despite the fact that he was "led by French intelligence and supported by those of America and the Zionist regime" (Israel), Rouhollah Zam "fell into a trap" that had been stretched to him, the Guardians write. The agents responsible for tracking him have achieved their aims "by means of modern intelligence methods and by resorting to clever tactics".
The statement said it was "a big operation, which shows the defeat of intelligence services of the enemy and proves that they are lagging behind the power of the intelligence service" of the Guardians .
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