Since the inauguration of their new ice rink on September 24, the Lausannois have played eleven matches in 24 days. A crazy pace that leaves traces, especially after their show of force on Tuesday against the Czechs Trinec they ended up fighting after colossal efforts.
All this to explain a start a little blunted Vaudois. A period that allowed Geneva-Servette to open the scoring with Jeremy Wick. The Canado-Switzerland sprang the cane at arm's length to surprise Boltshauser (7th), who was surprisingly preferred to Tobias Stephan.
Subsequently, the LHC has regained some of its beauty. The Vaudois dominated the end of the first period and especially the intermediate third time. But a Robert Mayer absolutely impeccable in his goals has seriously complicated their task.
Especially since Bertschy and Jooris got a penalty almost at the same time: 1'45 '' at 5 to 3 for the best power play in the league, it was a boon to Wingels and his teammates. But an attentive Boltshauser and a certain lack of imagination did not allow the Genevans to take off.
Subsequently, the match was packed. Both teams had their turn in a cheerful and exciting derby. The Vaudois even shot more often than their opponent, but the best opportunities came from Geneva canes like the post of Maillard (31).
The decision was made when Simon Le Coultre released a diagonal pass that completely surprised the Vaud defense. Winnik, perfectly launched, left no chance to Boltshauser (49th). A little on AC in recent weeks, players Patrick Emond are a little reassured.
In addition, they found their star defender, Henrik TOmmernes, who suffered for his return but was already widely used by his coach. On the side of Lausanne, like Bertschy, we have undertaken a lot but without much success, with a significant waste in the game.
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