Gedi, Carlo De Benedetti leaves the honorary presidency. Cir: "His proposal to participate is inadmissible"


Carlo De Benedetti he says goodbye to his most beloved creature. The Engineer has decided to leave the honorary presidency of Gedi, the publishing group that owns the newspaper The Republic. "Confirming mine differences on the condition and prospects of the company, per consistency I give up the office of honorary president, "the entrepreneur explained in a statement. "We take note of your decision and wish to express our thanks for the decisive contribution provided by you to the company for the past 40 years, ”the group's board of directors replied.

THE'October 11th the Engineer had sent Gedi a proposal "for the purchase of a 29.9% stake" and the October 15th had released an interview with Corriere della Sera in which he announced his will to "recover" The Republic and "give away the shares to a Foundation": "I understand that my children do not like the newspaper – the entrepreneur said – but they stop destroying it". An episode following which the president Marco De Benedetti, son of Carlo, had sent one letter to employees and the Board had issued a note to reassure them of the solidity of the group.

Today, a few hours before the press release, "all the directors of the Group" Cir, who controls Gedi, had defined "inadmissible"The" irrevocable proposal "by De Benedetti. This is stated in a note published after the dissemination of accounts of the first 9 months. The group closed the period with almost stable revenues 2.01 billion (they were 2.05 in 2018) and a declining net profit from 32.5 to 7.2 million.

The net result was affected by the devaluation of 7.7 million carried out by the subsidiary Gedi on the investment in Persidera in view of the disposal, the effect of the new accounting standards, for 2.6 million, and the non-recurring charges incurred for the merger with incorporation of Cir into Cofide. They are worth 20.3 million lost profit the fewer results of Sogefi and Gedi following the "unfavorable trend of the respective reference markets".


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