Maybe we are. Perhaps because considering certain temporal distances it is right to maintain a certain distance, but this time it seems that the European climatic weather scenarios are oriented – one might say finally – towards the real autumn.
If you are wondering what is meant by "real autumn"it is simple: rains and temperatures in line with the reference averages. Some anomalies could be there, this is obvious, but certainly not persistent and consistent anomalies as happened in the last few weeks. It has been so hot, in some regions it has rained too much in others little or nothing. Here, probably for some time we will no longer hear about these things (more than anything it is a hope).
Weather: TEMPERATURE collapsing tomorrow with MALTEMPO
What should happen? Let's start from the assumption that in the last decades one of the most important autumn cyclonic structures has been missing: the Depression of Iceland. It was seen in flashes, without the conviction and thirst for power that characterized its presence in the 80s / 90s. You want it because global warming is changing the planet's atmospheric circulation, you want for a whole different set of reasons (good or bad due to the first). The fact is that in order to aspire to an autumn made up of Atlantic perturbations, therefore of regular rains that are never excessive, there is a need for semipermanence.
Here, in the mathematical prediction models we can clearly see the appearance of this cyclonic structure. It will position itself where it belongs, so between the island of the same name and the British Isles, from there it should be able to spread over much of central and western Europe and the Mediterranean. It means that a series of disturbances could also pass through our regions, which means that at last the temperatures should be based on values consistent with autumn maturity.
Meteo Italia 15 days, towards Autumn: MALTEMPO, FREDDO, NEVE
We are describing a scenario that should, even in this case the conditional is a must, to mark most of the first decade of November. Then there is the unknown quantity cold, because apparently cold air from the north should be able to interact with the moist oceanic air masses. Interaction that could enhance bad weather, but right now we don't have a precise idea of where this interaction could take place (in terms of location, of course). The fact is that it will be autumn, a true autumn.
Weather 7 days: here is the PERTURBATION with temperature collapse
Published by Ivan Gaddari
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