Here are the three highlights of this day:
- all day, the activists of Extinction Rebellion extended their occupation to the street of Rivoli, which they blocked from the street of Renard ;
- many yellow vests joined the activists, they built a hut place du Châtelet ;
- Activists question the government's attitude towards their occupation and ask that it be its answer in the coming hours.
• 20h: At the end of a AG On the Rojava, activists of Extinction Rebellion have decided to join the support rally in Iraqi Kurdistan Republic Square. The event being " wild "(Not declared), the CRS followed the activists and sprayed them with tear gas. Supporters in Rojava and the Extinction Rebellion activists then tried to converge in Châtelet, but they were nassés and prevented from meeting again.
• 18.30: Thomas peace keeper, breathe the exhaust pipes since the beginning of the day. " It is relevant to continue blockades rue de Rivoli, it has increased our ability to disturb. We push the power to react while pretending to ignore us. It's a monster brothel (Sic) this circulation ! People have to ask themselves the question "But what's going on ? " And we are told that we are going straight into the wall. It's also interesting to be 100 meters from the offices of Anne Hidalgo (the mayor of Paris, the City Hall being on the other side of the crossroads), who says support us. But we want acts ! The occupation of Châtelet is a double-edged victory: on the one hand, we can continue our political activity in the street, but the absence of the police is amazing. We see that they are trying to divide social movements. Separating the yellow vests – which are passed for violent – of Extinction Rebellion – that they say nice – it will not work. I'm going to send a bloc on Saturday XR to the demonstration of yellow vests, to show that we are there for each other. "
- The rue de Rivoli, near the Saint-Jacques tower, around 18:15.
All interlocutors met by our reporters question the current strategy of the government: why does not it react ? What is he preparing? ? " It is paradoxical to have suffered last year such repression and to be free complement today " said Thomas, panting.
• 18h: " We work, you break the c ****** ! " gets carried away by a biker. " We do not have your time, band of loafers " drives a cyclist. " They refuse to discuss, deplores peace keeper. Unfortunately dialogue is not possible every time. "
" Bravo, long live the revolution " encourages a motorist.
• 17h45: Serge, Yellow Vest, joined Extinction Rebellion this morning to block, by their side, the street of Rivoli. In front of cars, it regulates traffic, directs traffic to other streets. of the peace keepers in orange vests soothe the tensions with the most unhappy.
- Serge.
" I'm here for convergence, said Serge. I am Vest yellow since the beginning of the movement, on November 17th. We, too, were initially blocked peacefully and sympathetically before being abused by the police and subjected to judicial repression. " Around him, the traffic is dense, the Parisians come out of work. " It is thrilling to block the heart of Paris, it gives strength. People have to understand that it's all because of Macron. I call for his resignation. "
• 4:50 p.m.: Every day, the activists of Extinction Rebellion write and print a new edition of their gazette entitled RIO.
- The newspaper " RIO ", for " October international rebellion ".
• 16h30: A police device has discreetly positioned near the occupation. Three vans of CRS station at the intersection of Bertin-Poirée and Rivoli streets.
• 16h15: The canteen is crumbling under the food donations, " but we lack furniture and dishes " said one of the volunteers. They are preparing a couscous for tonight for hundreds of people.
A free zone has been installed in the square: " Take, drop what you want. " We find clothes, comics, umbrellas …
The blockage of the restaurant McDonald's of the street of Rivoli is finished.
• 16h: Doris, young retiree: " For now, it's white and polite. The difference in treatment and repression by the government is racism and class contempt. It will be necessary that the members of XR, as privileged, denounce it and that they come on Saturday with the Yellow Vests, or in Bure. Nonviolence … when they get knocked off, how will they react, huh? ? " Doris continues: " Yellow Vests too, they built beautiful things in their huts before they were destroyed. It is necessary that XR claim this freedom for everyone. "
• 15:45 Gilles, from Attac, welcomes the latest actions: " Now the rue de Rivoli is pedestrian. The good thing about Châtelet is that there is room for everyone, the ecologists, the yellow vests … people from the Zad came to have a discussion yesterday too, tonight there is a AG on the Rojava … People of different sensibilities meet and build together. It is said that the place of the Châtelet is too much Bisounours, but it is enough in reality to seize ! "
• 15:30: A hut of Yellow Vests was built in the night place du Châtelet a " way of marking the convergence between the different social movements " said one of his occupants. " It's nice to be able to rebuild our huts like last fall before the state destroyed them. Here, we feel the same joy, the same desire to be together, to live in a place and to fight against the government "Explains Régis, who finds here the beginnings of the movement.
- The cabin of yellow vests.
About twenty yellow vests occupy the cabin: " Now that the cabin is there, you have to bring them in, the yellow vests ! "
• 3:00 p.m.: A volleyball court was improvised on the road next to the Place du Châtelet. A cemetery of scooters and self-service electric bicycles was gathered in piles to denounce the " nuclear bike " and their limited life.
• 2:15 p.m.: According to our reporter on the spot, rue de Rivoli, other signs have closed, because of the blockage of Extinction Rebellion: the banking agencies of the BNP and the People's Bank. As for the Starbucks Coffee boulevard of Sevastopol, it is blocked since this morning.
• 14h: Forty people blocked McDo rue de Rivoli. No one entered the restaurant. A music group – saxophone and clarinet – was playing, a general assembly was in progress. The activists also blocked any traffic between the City Hall and the Louvre. The gendarmes stood for the moment distant. The " Paris without a car " of Anne Hidalgo has become reality.
- McDonald's restaurant blocked rue de Rivoli.
Catherine, in her sixties, has already spent two nights occupying the Place du Châtelet: " today is a pivotal moment, she said. We left the square to block an even wider space. It was getting too comfortable. " The Macdo is denounced as " a symbol of the unlivable future we are being prepared for ".
• 13h00: This morning, an action on environmental migration was to take place, but it could not be held because of the presence of the police on the scene of the action. Nevertheless, Carola Rackete, captain of the Sea-Watch 3, the scientist Serge Janicot and the researcher specialist in migration François Gemenne spoke on the road, near the place du Châtelet.
Carola Rackete: " The fight for migrants and the climate are closely linked. Lake Chad disappears from the climate change disease, which is drying up the lakes but also the hearts of the men and women who live there and must leave their land. Climate change is the consequence of a model that brings prosperity to a small part of humanity. We can decide to no longer be accomplices of these governments, to be the agents of change. We need to be a community of empathy and compassion, in the face of the inhospitality of decision-makers towards people who migrate, often because of climate degradation. "
François Gemenne, very applauded, thanked the activists " time and energy " that they are devoting " to put the leaders and the industrialists in front of their responsibilities " : " Contrary to what Emmanuel Macron practices, we can not do the politics of "at the same time", he said. To choose is to give up, in particular to give up economic interests. Ecology is a constant struggle against people who will hang on to their last oil well. The primary responsibility of politics in this context is to choose and engage the community. "
- On the right, Carola Rackete.
Around noon and a half, activists blocked a bus lane rue du Renard, near the Paris City Hall. A team of police arrived on site. The journalist Gross Rémy Buisine, who filmed the police in their vehicles was insulted by some of them, who wanted him to delete his video. A police officer broke his press card in half.
- The broken press card of Rémy Buisine.
• 12h30: Martin explained the blocking of the Rue de Rivoli by a desire to raise the tone in front of the indifference of the government. " The blocking of the Place du Châtelet is going too well: there is no reaction from the public authorities. We can not resolve it, our goal is not to leave without a reaction from the state. We will strengthen the arm wrestling, and as long as there is no answer, we will paralyze Paris. "
The choice to block the rue de Rivoli was made in order to cause more discomfort in the car traffic.
A few steps away, five activists had their arms stuck in arms blocks, to complicate a possible intervention of the police. After nearly two hours of blocking rue de Rivoli, the police remained very discreet. The activists fed the barricades of pallets and decorated them with flags.
" It is very clever on the part of the power which puts on a stagnation, estimated Damien. I see several reasons: they seek to improve their image after gassing Sully bridge, they seek to divide us with other struggles by treating us differently – as a summer camp – and there may be also a little electoral calculation. Personally, I think we still lack strong political messages, but it is changing with the arrival of yellow vests. It is necessary that from this occupation, one turns and anchors itself to other struggles, that one fights on the ground of destructive projects like EuropaCity. "
With about thirty comrades, Tuesday night, Damien went to lend a hand to the squatters of Hands of works, in Saint-Ouen, in the process of expulsion. " The neighborhood was cordoned off by the police, he said. We tried to force the dam to help the squatters but we soon found ourselves flattened on the ground, LBD pointed at us. The occupation of Châtelet shows that we can do the number, it is now necessary to deploy on the terrain of very concrete struggles. "
• 10h30: This Thursday, October 10, since 10 am, dozens of activists of Extinction Rebellion blocked two arteries of Paris: the street of Rivoli and the boulevard Sébastopol.
Activists recalled the movement's four demands: recognition of the gravity and urgency of current ecological crises ; the immediate reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to achieve carbon neutrality in 2025 ; the immediate cessation of the destruction of the oceanic and terrestrial ecosystems causing a massive extinction of the living world and the creation of a citizens' assembly responsible for deciding the measures to be put in place to achieve these objectives and guaranteeing a fair and equitable transition. " Until we get that, we'll continue to block "they assured.
" We are warthog rage, orang-utan anger, turtle shell and elephant tusks ", sang the blockers.
Since Monday, October 7, members of Extinction Rebellion from all over France block the place du Chatelet, in Paris, during the week of international rebellion of October (RIO).
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