What surprised him most are the 28 shots on goal and about 77% of possession, statistics that until a few months ago was not a Juventus habit.
"It can be a point in favor, but we must also understand the type of ball possession because they are not all the same: there is the sterile one and the one that allows you to always be in the opposing half. It is true that you are beginning to see Sarri's hand and will, which is completely different from what was done by his predecessor. We are seeing an improvement and a greater awareness ".
Juventus has undergone a single network opportunity in which it has been punished. How did you see the defense in that circumstance and how are you judging it?
"I believe there is still work to be done in defense, de Ligt will become one of the greatest defenders in circulation but he has just arrived and so it is normal that he still has to improve in this phase. Just as we know the contribution that Cuadrado offers in the offensive phase, in the 'last half an hour was really very incisive with his dribbles and his accelerations. At the beginning of the championship there were errors on the inactive balls, but on this aspect he is continuing to work and I am convinced that we can only improve ".
Finally, Paulo Dybala managed to recover Juventus in Europe, it had been a long time since he had lived such an important evening.
"The great attackers are reborn when they live evenings like this, no one can doubt his qualities that are really important. Dybala, yesterday, has put himself in a position to play very close to the door and this has allowed him to unhinge the opponent's defense, which until then had been completely defended. The first was a great shot from outside, the second was good at picking up the goalkeeper's rebound following a fine shot by Alex Sandro, and the Argentine will become important for the continuation of the Champions and the championship ".
How did you see Ronaldo's performance?
"Honestly, when we talk about Ronaldo and Dybala it always seems to be for a game where one has to obscure the other and vice versa. His performance yesterday was not exciting, but he remains a decisive player able to decide the game at any time. It will only be necessary to understand if all three together can be even more fundamental for this team. "
In fact, this is the big dilemma: can all three play together? Yesterday we had a great positive demonstration.
"It is only a matter of time, the coach only has to try to understand what the best scheme could be to put Dybala, Ronaldo and Higuain in the field. Let's not forget, then, that there are also Bernardeschi and Douglas Costa. in other words, Sarri will be able to find, in my opinion, the framework regarding this situation without distorting anyone and, above all, maintaining what is the team balance ".
We thank Sergio Porrini for the courtesy and availability shown during this interview.
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