Net surfers worried about the quality of drinking water at home through our participatory #AlertPollution operation. Franceinfo has collected the latest samples available on a map.
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"Polluted drinking water with pesticides", alarmed a resident of Salmaise (CĂ´te-d'Or). "We no longer have detailed analysis", worries another, in Villers-Saint-Barthelemy (Oise). In the reports received via our platform #AlertePollution, more than a dozen people are concerned about the quality of drinking water at home and are asking us to try to find out more. In France, you should know that "tap water is one of the most controlled foods and is subject to ongoing health monitoring to ensure safety", points out the site of theMinistry of Solidarities and Health. Samples are therefore regularly taken by the regional health agencies.
To respond to the concerns of readers, franceinfo collected the results of the latest analyzes made available by the authorities. They date from 2019 and concern nearly 17,500 municipalities in metropolitan France. Is water in your city "complies with quality limits and references" ? Have micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.), pesticides or too much lead recently been detected? To find out, just search using the magnifying glass tool in our map below.
The cities are classified in three categories: those whose water is compliant (category 1, in green); those in which measured parameters exceed the limits without presenting an immediate risk for the entire population, but which may give rise to certain restrictions (category 2, in orange); and finally, those where the consumption of drinking water is strongly discouraged or prohibited (category 3, in red). If this is the case for your municipality, be aware that the site of the department provides more details on the results.
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