As the injuries change Fonseca's Rome


The draw achieved on Sunday afternoon against the Sampdoria last in the standings is, paradoxically, the lesser evil for the Rome of Paulo Fonseca, since the Capitoline technician had to give up running Cristante and Kalinic, stopped by yet another muscle trouble (see you in 2020) and go on to join the long-term care workers in the infirmary Diawara, Under, Mkhitaryan, Pellegrini and Zappacosta.

For a Perotti who returns, therefore, two others who stop in a start of the season that is proving worse than a year ago from the point of view of injuries. Therefore, the bad news continues for Fonseca who will have to make "virtue necessity" in this second tour de force with 6 more matches until 10 November.

Thursday at 18:55, in fact, he immediately returns to the field against the Borussia MOnchengladbach, first in the Bundesliga but with only one point conquered in the Europa League and therefore undoubtedly fierce to exit unscathed from the Olimpico and continue to hope for the qualification for the next round. Two days from the challenge, if there are few doubts and more choices in the defense department, from the "waist down" there are many headaches that will have to solve Fonseca, maybe even changing form.

4-2-3-1 – As stated earlier, few problems in the 4-line that will challenge Borussia MOnchengladbach, with the coach having a wide choice of power stations (Fazio or Jesus could replace one among Mancini and Smalling) as well as on the side bands, with Spinazzola and Santon enlisted on both sides. In the median, here is the first enigma. Inevitably, will be called to the extraordinary Veretout and next to the French is in advantage Shepherd, among other things among the most positive in that position against Sampdoria. Indeed, Fonseca also spoke of Santon as an alternative in that area of ​​the field but the Giallorossi full-back, who is already far behind in the hierarchies in his role of competence, does not therefore seem to worry the Flaco and it may however be the ideal solution to make Kolarov rejuvenate. On the trocar, we will certainly see Kluivert who, disqualified against Milan, will be employed on the right, with Florenzi advanced on the opposite side and Zaniolo confirmed in the center. In attack, however, it will rely "on the masked man" Dzeko, in field 45 ’in Genoa with the mask to protect the operated cheekbone. If it does not hold the 90 ’, Fonseca could propose one among Antonucci and Perotti in the role of false nueve, with different characteristics from one another.

Rome (4-2-3-1): Pau Lopez / Mirante; Spinazzola, Fazio / Mancini, Smalling / Jesus, Kolarov / Santon; Pastor, Veretout; Kluivert, Zaniolo, Florenzi; Dzeko / Perotti / Antonucci.

4-3-3 – The accident emergency could lead Paulo Fonseca to temporarily abandon his reference form for an atypical 4-3-3 because of the men currently available. In fact, if the speech made previously is worth for the defense, in the midfield there will certainly be Veretout which could be flanked by midlines Zaniolo and Pastore. The Italian, among other things, is considered in that role by the national team manager Roberto Mancini, who employed him in that position in the last match against Liechtenstein, while the Argentine acted in the first part of last season with Di Francesco, without leaving indelible marks. Forward, Florenzi would return to play the role of external right in the trident, with Kluivert to the left and, in the center, Edin Dzeko or one of Perotti and Antonucci as false nueve.

Rome (4-3-3): Pau Lopez / Mirante; Spinazzola, Fazio / Mancini, Smalling / Jesus, Kolarov / Santon; Zaniolo, Veretout, Pastor; Kluivert, Dzeko / Antonucci / Perotti, Florenzi.

4-4-2 (or 4-2-4) – It is not entirely possible to exclude a transition to the "school" module par excellence. In this case, the central midfield pair will be formed by Pastor and Veretout, with Florenzi and Kluivert deployed on the outside lanes. In attack, Perotti (more than Antonucci) could be the partner of Dzeko, with the Monito in second-tier robes. An array, among other things, that can easily be transformed into a 4-2-4 ultra offensive race, with Florenzi and Kluivert obviously advancing on the attackers' line: a solution frankly not feasible from the beginning but feasible in the current race if the circumstances should they request it.

Rome (4-4-2): Pau Lopez / Mirante; Spinazzola, Fazio / Mancini, Smalling / Jesus, Kolarov / Santon; Kluivert, Pastore, Veretout, Florenzi; Perotti / Antonucci, Dzeko.

3-5-2 (or 3-4-1-2) – A similar deployment appears to be difficult, but Fonseca has already, in the season, partially adopted the 3-man defense (see race against Atalanta). Therefore, before Pau Lopez (or Mirante) would act Mancini, Fazio and Smalling, with Jesus or also Kolarov as alternatives. In the middle, Zaniolo and Pastore they would drop to the sides of Veretout, while the bands would be manned by the usual "wild card" Florenzi, this time to the right, and one of Spinazzola or Kolarov from the opposite side. Forward, due to disqualification against Milan, he would start as a player Kluivert in the role of second striker next to Dzeko. Furthermore, this form can be changed into a 3-4-1-2: in this case, Pastore and Veretout would remain in the center with Zaniolo ready to move forward Kluivert-Dzeko.

Rome (3-5-2): Pau Lopez / Mirante; Mancini, Fazio, Smalling / Jesus; Florenzi, Zaniolo, Pastore, Veretout, Spinazzola; Kluivert, Dzeko.

As far as possible, Fonseca will try to re-propose the 4-2-3-1 also against Borussia MOnchengladbach but with all this emergency surprises are not excluded.

Next game: Rome-Borussia MOnchengladbach, Thursday 24 October, at 18:55
Probable formation (4-2-3-1)Pau Lopez; Spinazzola, Fazio, Smalling, Kolarov; Pastor, Veretout; Florenzi, Zaniolo, Kluivert; Dzeko
ballots: Fazio / Mancini, Spinazzola / Antonucci, Spinazzola / Perotti.
In doubt: –
Why?: Under (biceps femoris lesion), Mkhitaryan (tendon adductor lesion), Pellegrini (fracture of the fifth metatarsal), Diawara (lesion of the medial meniscus of the left knee), Zappacosta (rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee), Cristante ( detachment of the right adductor tendon), Kalinic (fracture of the head of the fibula).
Misses: –
disqualified: –



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