If this highway crime date of May 13, 2019, the sentence fell on Monday, October 14, 2019. According to Shashi Nathan, the lawyer Tala Alamuddin, the mother of four children said "deeply gnawed by remorsePleading guilty, she still claims to be a victim of the consequences ofinvoluntary publicity about his case outside his own controlBefore getting in his car, George Clooney's half-sister had drunk two glasses of wine and a glass of champagne.A total of 95 micrograms had been detected in the 100 milliliters analyzed, enough to make his conduct illegal. since the tolerated limit is 35 micrograms …
Three arrests by the police
In addition to his time in prison, Tala Alamuddin Le Tallec will have to pay a fine of 6400 dollars (5700 euros). She will not be able to drive for four years either. A judicial decision that does not seem to be a problem for her, since she would have decided no matter what ever happened to never drive again. It must be said that this incident is far from isolated: it had already been arrested twice, for very similar reasons, one of which dates back to 2013. Like what, having a lawyer in the family does not protect not all the evils.
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