The dollar rose 17 cents and closed at $ 58.41


The dollar for sale to the public rose 17 cents and closed at $ 58.40 average, and in the wholesale segment the currency fell eight cents and ended at $ 56.10.

For market operators, the wheel was marked by the presence of the Central Bank which, through sales in the cash and futures segment, managed to curb the bullish momentum in its price.

As for the monetary policy rate, the Central Bank today validated a marginal rise compared to yesterday's close at the end of 85.991%.

The total awarded was $ 216,570 million over maturities for $ 198,911 million and from this operation a liquidity contraction of $ 17,659 million was generated.

"After touching highs at $ 56.31, the official intervention generated losses of the wholesale dollar price, which hit lows at $ 56.08 in the last half hour of operations," said Gustavo Quintana, analyst at PR Corredores de Cambio.

And he added that the reappearance of the Central Bank in the market, with cash and futures sales, "managed to dismantle the initial pressure on the exchange rate."

In the same vein, Christian Buteler, a financial analyst, said that with sales of the entity that leads Guido Sandleris "it was possible to reverse the rise recorded (the dollar) and ended up giving a few cents."

Finally, Fernando Izzo, of ABC Mercado de Cambios, said that "the BCRA had to sell to lower the exchange rate that had skyrocketed before mid-morning to $ 56,310 and decided to act to lower demand."

The volume operated in the cash segment was US $ 425 million, while there were no operations in the MAE futures segment.

In the Rofex futures market, US $ 306 million were traded, which marked a 4% rise from yesterday.

The shorter terms concentrated more than 50% of the businesses.

The final prices for the months of September and October, ended up operating at $ 58.23 and $ 62.53, with a rate of 76.99% and 85.38%.

All terms rose more than 1.5% as of November.

Only the end of the month fell while October was with a slight rise of 0.5%.

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